What is omeprazole for, and how to effectively apply the drug?

To understand what omeprazole is prescribed for, it is necessary to ruin what this means. This drug suppresses the secretion of stomach acid and makes it less active. A white powder, which is highly soluble in ethanol and methanol, is generally used to treat stomach or duodenal ulcers. To his help resorted to in the case of treatment of Zollinger's syndrome - Ellinson.

Which group of drugs is omeprazole?

The medicinal properties of the medication are activated as soon as it enters the acidic - gastric - environment. In gastric cells responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid, the drug accumulates, and the regulation of the production of gastric juice with pepsin begins - a special enzyme that is needed for the breakdown of proteins. Due to this unpleasant symptoms of different diseases become less pronounced and gradually come to naught.

The drug omeprazole compound has the following:

The drug belongs to the group of proton pump inhibitors (PPI), and this clearly explains why omeprazole is prescribed. This is one of the most effective means for treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Like all PPIs, omeprazole is a benzimidazole derivative. That is, the chemical structure of the drug and this compound are very similar to each other.

What helps omeprazole?

Knowing the mechanism of action of the drug, to understand, omeprazole from which it helps simply. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed for:

Omeprazole in capsules

This is one of the medicinal forms of the drug. Capsules come in different doses - 10 and 20 milligrams. Tablets Omeprazole - another form of release of the drug - the characteristics are similar and act exactly the same. Choose what to specifically treat - pills or capsules - in this case, the patient can independently, relying only on those considerations, what kind of medicine he likes more.

Omeprazole injection

What is omeprazole for ampoules? To help the means of this form are treated in especially difficult cases. Powder for injection is issued in vials of 40 mg. Omeprazole in ampoules can be used for intravenous and intravenous drip. In the latter case, the contents of the vial are diluted with 90 ml of sodium chloride solution (0.9%) or dextrose (5%). For intravenous injections, the drug is diluted with 10 ml of sterile water for injection. The drug should be administered slowly (at least 5 minutes).

How do I take Omeprazole?

Knowing why omeprazole is prescribed, it is possible to familiarize yourself with the features of the drug's use. The agent acts quickly - not later than an hour later - and the effect of it persists for a long time - about a day. Omeprazole, the application of which is consistent with the doctor, lowers the pH of the stomach to 3. The medication can be taken by adults and children over 5 years of age. Another advantage - for elderly patients there is no need for dose adjustment.

Omeprazole - dosage

For each patient, she is selected individually. The standard dose of the medicine is 20 mg, but it is adjusted depending on the complexity of the disease, the general health of the patient, and also on the illness requiring therapy:

  1. To cope with a stomach ulcer at the stage of exacerbation, 20 - 40 mg of the drug will be required. The dose is divided into 2 doses.
  2. To prevent erosive-ulcerative esophagitis, 20 mg of the substance is needed.
  3. Zollinger-Ellinson syndrome requires a patient at least 60 mg per day.
  4. Omeprazole for taking heartburn is required in an amount of 20 mg per day.
  5. To prevent the acidic contents of the stomach from flowing into the esophagus, 40 mg of the drug is prescribed for surgery on the eve and 2 to 4 hours before surgery.

How to take omeprazole - before meals or after?

This must be clarified for yourself before starting treatment. How to take omeprazole - before meals or after? That the agent acted effectively to drink it or him it is necessary before reception of nutrition. Drink omeprazole capsules best with water. The drug is not recommended to drink in parallel with De-Gol. Between taking medication you need to do at least 30 minutes break. Do not take omeprazole at bedtime.

Omeprazole - duration of application

Duration of treatment varies depending on the disease and is determined in each case individually. When reflux-esophagitis or an ulcer, for example, the drug omeprazole should take 4 to 8 weeks. Uncomplicated diseases can be cured in a week. Even in the most neglected cases, you can not drink Omeprazole for longer than two months. After 8 weeks of taking, you will have to take a break.

Omeprazole - side effects

Having found out why omeprazole is needed, the features of its action and application, many decide to start treatment immediately, but we must not forget that this, like any other medicine, has side effects. The latter are rare, usually become a consequence of abuse or misuse of the drug and quickly pass after its withdrawal, but this is no reason to lose sight of them.

The drug omeprazole side effects may have such as:

Some patients face mild physical ailment, detect peripheral edema or suffer from excessive sweating. There are also rare cases of the formation of glandular cysts in the stomach. In almost all the cases studied, the prolonged administration of the proton pump inhibitor resulted in the appearance of neoplasms.

Omeprazole - contraindications

Find out whether omeprazole, it is very important even before the treatment. This will help prevent unwanted consequences. One of the main contraindications is the increased sensitivity to the components of the composition. It is undesirable to be treated with omeprazole while taking Nelfinavir or Atazanavir. The drug is prohibited for children, whose weight is less than 20 kg.

Medication is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Omeprazole - especially if taken in the first trimeter - can lead to the development of malformations in the child's body, so it is prescribed only when the benefits of the application are much higher than the risk of side effects. During breastfeeding, it is advisable to refuse the medication, because it quickly penetrates into the blood and milk.

Before appointing a course of omeprazole, the specialist should make sure that the patient does not:

Omeprazole - analogues

Although the means and many advantages, it is not suitable for everyone. Some patients are forced to think that it is better than omeprazole to act, and look for alternatives. Analogues of the drug have the same effect, but the body perceived better. The most popular alternatives to omeprazole are: