Cataract of the eye - what is it, why it arises, and how to treat the disease?

The human eye functions as a lens in which the lens responds to the refraction of light rays. To ensure normal vision, it should be completely transparent. Cataract of the eye is a clouding of the lens. This leads to a significant deterioration of vision up to complete blindness.

Cataracts - Causes

The described pathology affects the majority of the world's population, it affects every sixth inhabitant of the Earth at the age after 40 and about 75% of the elderly, over 80 years old. In translation from the Greek language, the name of the described disease sounds like a "waterfall spray". It accurately characterizes the sensations of a person who has a cataract of the eye, what is this feeling, as if you are looking through the noisy water, the image is turbid and fuzzy, distorted.

The main factor contributing to the development of the presented disease is aging. Age changes in the body lead to denaturation of the protein, of which the lens consists. This causes a loss of transparency and a deterioration in the ability to refract and transmit light. Opacification of the lens of the eye - causes not related to aging:

Cataract - symptoms

The main clinical manifestation of clouding the lens is the deterioration of the sharpness and clarity of vision. The contours of objects are blurred, objects can double or blur before the eyes. Other signs of cataract:

Such cataract symptoms do not always occur simultaneously. Their appearance and severity are different in different patients of the ophthalmologist, which determines the form of the disease. In some cases, eyesight does not deteriorate. It depends on the location of the primary opacity in the lens. If it is localized at the periphery, far from the center, vision remains sharp and clear, color perception does not change.

What types of cataracts are there?

Classification of the pathology is carried out according to the 3 criteria - the origin of the disease, the location of turbidity in the lens and the degree of its maturity. The first group includes the following types of cataracts:

In accordance with the location of the opacity of the lens of the eye, cataracts are divided into the following categories:

The last thing that characterizes cataract is the degree of its maturity:

What is dangerous for cataracts?

The main complication of the described disease is a significant deterioration of vision, until its complete loss. The rest of the consequences can be easily predicted, knowing how the eye cataract develops, what it is and what is accompanied. This pathology is constantly progressing and represents an irreversible process of clouding the lens. Due to a change in the structure of the protein in its composition, the tissues are hardened and hardened. The lens not only becomes firm, but also increases in size, which is fraught with such complications:

Cataract - Diagnosis

This pathology is easily confused with other ophthalmic diseases. Initial cataract on symptoms resembles age-long farsightedness or myopia, which does not cause severe anxiety in humans. Only an experienced ophthalmologist can diagnose the disease. For this, the following methods are used:

Treatment of cataract without surgery

Lens turbidity is an irreversible process, which is accompanied by a permanent deterioration of vision. The only way to cope with the disease is surgery, but many people are trying to practice non-surgical cataract treatment. Such attempts at therapy will not succeed, the surgeon will still have to apply, only at a late stage of pathology.

Treatment of cataract without surgery by drugs

Pharmacological industry offers special solutions to combat this disease. Any drops from cataracts - this is just a way to slow down its progression and the option of prevention. They do not help to eliminate the turbidity of the lens or improve the clarity of vision. Ophthalmologists prescribe such solutions primarily before the operation, as a preparatory stage, or after it, as maintenance therapy in the rehabilitation period. Recommended drops:

Cataract treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine is powerless before pathology, experts categorically deny these options for therapy. To understand why they are ineffective, will help study how cataract eyes progress, what it is. The existing opacities in the lens can not be rinsed, lightened, or somehow affected by them. They will continuously increase in size, and spread, changing the structure of proteins in the tissues of the eye.

In folk medicine, cataract treatment with dill seeds is popular. For 1 tbsp. spoon this spice is placed in clean linen bags, after which they fall into boiling water for 2 minutes. Such warm compresses should be put on eyes for a quarter of an hour, from above to cover them with a towel. Repeat procedure folk doctors advise morning and evening.

Cataract of the eye - operation

The only effective option for treating a clouded lens is surgical intervention. With its help, completely eliminates any cataract, the operation is carried out in the early stages of its maturation, and in the late stages. The most modern technique is ultrasonic phacoemulsification. This is an operation to remove cataracts, which is carried out mainly under local anesthesia.

During the procedure, the surgeon makes a microscopic incision on the eye, from 1.8 to 2.8 mm. It injects the tip of the device, phacoemulsifier. He performs ultrasonic oscillatory movements of high frequency. This leads to the transformation of the lens mass into an emulsion, which is removed from the eye. There is a cataract removal along with the damaged protein structures. Instead of the extracted mass, the intraocular lens is installed.

The replacement of the lens with cataract lasts up to 45 minutes. Vision returns almost immediately, and after a few hours the patient can return home. Special rehabilitation after surgery is not required. Ophthalmologists recommend only to limit visual loads for 7-10 days. There are no recurrences of the disease after surgery.

Prevention of cataracts

The peculiarity of the examined pathology in its irreversibility and constant progression. Even after fully studying the topic of "eye cataract" - what is it, how such a disease manifests itself, and how to treat it, it is impossible to prevent the development of pathology. Doctors advise to adhere to the general rules of preservation of visual health. This does not guarantee successful prevention, but helps to reduce the intensity of the effects that cause opacification of the lens of the eye, what to do to reduce the likelihood of disease progression:

  1. Adhere to a balanced diet.
  2. Do not smoke.
  3. Protect eyes from ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Watch for visual stress.