Cap of tea is good and bad

Capricorn tea, the benefit and harm of which has yet to be discussed, is called the perennial plant Ivan the Tea. It is easy to recognize by pyramidal inflorescences of a pinkish-lilac color, reaching 2 meters in height. It grows on logging and roads, on glades and burnt out plots. Use this plant for both thirst quenching and treatment of various ailments.

Properties of tea tea

I must say that to prepare a healing drink not only leaves and inflorescences are used, but also stems and roots. They contain a large number of various vitamins and minerals, tannins, pectins, coumarins, organic acids, flavonoids such as quercetin and camphorol, etc.

The useful properties of plants include ability:

For those who are interested in how to prepare tea tea, you can give advice to buy a pack of tea in a pharmacy and brew according to the instructions. Often it is packed into bags, which is very convenient - one sachet for a glass of boiling water. Only phytotherapists are engaged in self-assembly, who know where and when to collect raw materials, and how to prepare it properly. This plant is completely harmless, provided that they are not abused. With frequent admission in the liver can accumulate coumarins and have a toxic effect on it. In addition, with caution ivan-tea should be taken to persons with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, arrhythmia and glomerulonephritis .