Kidney ultrasound - preparation for the study

Ultrasound is one of the simplest and most common methods of diagnosing various diseases of internal organs and vessels. So, ultrasound of the kidneys allows to establish the size and structure of these organs, to detect the presence of sand , stones, tumors, cysts. The procedure is absolutely safe, has no obvious contraindications and does not take much time.

Do you need preparation for ultrasound of the kidneys?

The method of investigation is based on the fact that different tissues have different sound permeability, so with the help of ultrasound one can get a picture of the location of various internal organs, their dimensions, and establish the presence of tumors.

The presence of food in the stomach and intestines, bloating due to gas formation can create interference that does not allow you to see the exact picture or distort it. Therefore, to obtain the most accurate results, before the ultrasound of the kidneys, like the ultrasound of any other organs, some preparation is required.

Kidney ultrasound - general preparation for the study

The following is recommended:

  1. If a person has a tendency to flatulence, then 2-3 days before the survey should start to follow the diet.
  2. The day before the procedure, it is desirable to start taking activated charcoal or other enterosorbents .
  3. The study is done on an empty stomach. If the procedure is planned in the afternoon, say a light breakfast, but ultrasound should be conducted no less than 6 hours after the last meal.
  4. On the eve of the procedure it is desirable to clean the intestines (with enemas or laxatives).
  5. Approximately 40 minutes-1 hour before the procedure should drink 2-3 glasses of water without gas. The latter is due to the fact that for a complete examination of the urinary system, ultrasound is usually performed not only on the kidneys, but also on the urinary canals and the bladder, a clear picture of which can only be obtained in the filled state.
  6. Since an ultrasound is applied to the skin with a special gel, it is advisable to take a towel with you.

What can you eat while preparing for an ultrasound of the kidneys?

The diet maintained for several days before ultrasound is the main method of preparation for the study.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

You can eat:

Strict adherence to diet in preparation for renal ultrasound is not mandatory and can vary depending on the presence of concomitant diagnoses. It is only necessary to exclude those products that clearly contribute to the increased formation of gases in the intestine.

If it is impossible to follow a diet, it is mandatory to take sorbents for several days.

Ultrasound of kidney vessels - preparation for the study

With ultrasound of vessels, the picture is formed on the basis of the reflection of ultrasonic waves from the red blood cells contained in the blood, which makes it possible to estimate the blood flow velocity, the condition of the vessel walls and the blood supply of the organs. Preparation for such an ultrasound is standard (the presence of intestinal gases is required). It is undesirable to take drugs that can affect the composition of the blood, unless their reception is not compulsory according to medical prescriptions.