Kill the dragon - the best remedy for heartburn

A rare lucky person has never felt a burning sensation in the lower part of the esophagus in about half an hour after eating. Heartburn suffers most of the population of middle age and, as a rule, it is not possible to completely get rid of this condition.

Why does heartburn occur?

The reason for such unpleasant sensations is the casting of the acid produced in the stomach to digest food, into the esophagus. This process can occasionally occur in a healthy body due to overeating or predominance of fatty, heavy meals in the meal, and even due to severe stress. But usually heartburn warns of the presence of the following diseases:

How to get rid of heartburn?

If the phenomenon in question is a rarity, then it is not worthless to worry, it is enough to apply any medication or folk remedy to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Pharmaceutical preparations:

Among alternative medical devices, of course, the first place is occupied by soda, dissolved in water. This method is very effective and helps almost instantly, but it is worth remembering that often it can not be used, since an excess of soda leads to alkalization of body fluids, causes nausea and vomiting.

In addition, quickly eliminates burning in the esophagus a glass of drunk cold milk, preferably home-made.

Complex treatment

Frequent or regular attacks of heartburn require a more serious approach. First of all, you should consult a cardiologist (burning can cause some heart diseases) and a gastroenterologist to find out the true cause of this condition. Laboratory and ultrasound studies, as well as a number of tests will help to establish an accurate diagnosis and identify the factors that cause heartburn. In accordance with the results, a therapeutic complex of measures is appointed:

  1. Decrease in acidity of gastric juice. It is performed with the help of such drugs as Lansoprazole and Ultop (omeprazole), usually it takes no more than 1 capsule per day.
  2. Neutralization of the corrosive effect of the acid contents of the stomach on the esophagus tissues. The most effective agents among antacids are Almagel and Rutatsid. The last medicine is available in the form of tablets for chewing, which must be consumed immediately before meals.
  3. Compliance with a strict sparing diet. It is required to abandon all products that contribute to the excess secretion of the secretion of the stomach: fatty, spicy, salty and spicy food, sweet fizzy drinks, coffee, acidic fruit juices, alcohol. It is necessary to give priority to dairy products (especially milk), cereal cereals, cooked or stewed vegetables, lean soup. Food should be divided, 4-6 times a day in small portions.
  4. Drinking medicinal mineral water by the appointed course (no more than 30 days), for example, Borjomi, Kuyalnik.

When treating heartburn, it is recommended not to take a horizontal position after eating, it is advisable to take a short walk or just do any housework.

During sleep, the upper part of the human body should be slightly raised (by 10-15 cm) to exclude involuntary acid transfer from the stomach into the esophagus.