Kishlitsa room - everything about growing a flowering plant

It is a very tender flowering plant. Otherwise it is called the flower of happiness, it is also a "butterfly", it is easy to take care of it at home. This beautiful woman is a room sorrel. Leaves triangular shaped like butterfly wings, they even fold in pairs when you touch, like a butterfly. Sour cherry can leave leaves and flowers of different colors.

Room Oxide - home care

When caring for acidic room, you must remember the exotic origin of this flower. After all, this plant came to us from hot countries. For this reason, it should be grown under similar conditions. Houseplant acidity requires:

Room Oxide - Types

There are different types and varieties of scurf. In total there are a little less than 1000 species of this plant. Popular varieties of muslin are:

  1. oxalis four-leaved (better known as Oxalis Depp);
  2. oxalis ordinary;
  3. oxalis of various colors;
  4. oxalis tuberosene
  5. oxalis triangular (alias - oxalis violet);
  6. oxalis bouvi;
  7. oxalis glandular;
  8. oxalis of obtus.

In our country, the triangular acid is popular. Her homeland is Brazil. This species is characterized by dark violet leaves of beautiful form. Kishlitsa room can delight the eye with flowers of white, pink and purple colors. They put us and the poisonous squatter, Depp. It is distinguished by leaves of a salad color with a brown spot in the middle and bright red flowers.

Indoor flower acidum - how to care?

Kislitsa room is a very beautiful plant, however, in order to preserve its attractiveness and exquisite appearance, it is necessary to try a little. Care of the room acid is easy, but still requires attention. So, the best place to stay for this plant in the house will be the window sill, so the sour will receive optimal lighting. Do not forget to cover the window with gauze.

The room should maintain the optimum temperature regime. You can not let the soil of the plant dry out, for this purpose it is often necessary to water the acid, from the dry land this plant is dying. In warm weather, it is possible to spray the room kitchen. An excellent fertilizing for this flower will be mineral fertilizers. Feed them acidic room should be in warm seasons with a frequency of every half a month.

The aesthetic appearance of the flower can disrupt the "disorder" around it. Therefore, all the fallen leaves and flowers that have lost their color must be cleaned in time, so that nothing will spoil the grace of this beauty. In winter, during the fall of the foliage, the cuttings of the room should be cut by 1-2 cm. The container with the flower should be placed in a cool dark place (cellar, cellar). Leave an acidic room for two months. During this period, you do not need to water and fertilize the plant.

How to water an acid room?

Kislitsa loves water, but one should not allow the excess liquid in the pot to stagnate. This can lead to a decay process in the roots of the plant. Beginning with the autumn period, the watering of the sour is less frequent. In winter, the soil of the plant is moistened only slightly. Kishlitsa room is unpretentious and does not need frequent spraying. But in the hot summer such procedures will only benefit the room beauty. For spraying, water must be boiled and cooled beforehand.

Room Oxide - Transplantation

One of the questions that worried the lucky owners of a butterfly flower is how to replant the room acidic. This procedure with tubers can be carried out in any season. It is known that the room acidum blooms 40 days after the tubers are planted. Therefore, even during transplantation, it is easy to determine the period of blossoming of flowers. This annual procedure includes several stages:

  1. Tubers of plants are transplanted into a mixture of peat, sand, turf, leaf and humus. The ratio of peat to the rest of the soil mixture should be 2 to 1 (2 parts of peat is taken in one part of each of the remaining components). An excellent growth of the plant will give the application of drainage from expanded clay.
  2. After multiplying the acid mixture, its daughter's onions are placed in other containers. They are slightly sprinkled with earth.
  3. Then the bulbs are watered. Place the containers with the planted bulbs in a dark dry cool place.

What kind of pot is needed for room acid?

Since the transplantation of a butterfly flower needs to be done every year, it will be necessary to store new containers regularly. Kislitsa in the pot during the year turns from a tuber into a lush blossoming bush. If its owner does not plan to multiply the plant by means of its division, then it should be preferred to a wide pot when choosing containers.

How to multiply an acid room?

A butterfly flower reproduces by seeds. This occurs during the spring period, it is desirable to use peat-pearlite soil for their landing. Then the container with planted seeds should be covered with a plastic bag and fixed with an elastic band. It should not receive rays of light. If fresh seeds are planted, the sprouts do not take long to wait.

The next step is transplanting the plant into a pot for a permanent stay. Reproduction of the acidic room also occurs due to the division of the flower at the time of transplantation. The plant is multiplied by tubers (with planting in winter or late autumn) and leaf cuttings. So, first you need to germinate leaves with cuttings in water or sand during the spring. At this time there is a rapid growth of the roots of the plant. Then several leaves are transplanted into one wide container.

Kishlitsa room is a real decoration of any house. This charming plant with a bright color will look elegant and harmonious in any interior. However, like any living plants, room acid will fade if there is no care for it. You should make very little effort to make the butterfly flower delight you with its beauty for a long time. Create suitable conditions for it - and it will bloom in a lush and bright bush.