How to part with a man - advice of a psychologist

Parting is a painful process for both partners, especially if the feelings have not cooled down yet. It is important to understand yourself, so as not to make a mistake and then not regret the action. The advice of a psychologist, how to part with a man, will help to soften the blow as much as possible. It is not necessary to postpone the decision in the long box, tormented by doubts and even more regretting the partner, as this will only exacerbate the situation. It is important to choose the right moment, taking into account your own emotional state and mood of the chosen one, so that the conversation does not turn into a scandal.

How to properly part with a man?

Do not approach this issue without thinking through each step, as there are many details that should be taken into account so as not to make the partner painful and to smooth out the situation as much as possible. There is no specific instruction on how to go and psychologists only give useful advice for such a situation.

How nice to part with a man:

  1. The conversation should be conducted by eye-to-eye in neutral territory. It is important that there are no associations with him, for example, the place of the first kiss, etc. Do not fit crowded and noisy places.
  2. It is important to clearly identify the reason for the gap. Tell the partner what exactly does not suit you in the relationship, and why you do not see any other outcome except parting. In reasons there should not be a double meaning. Try not to use examples from the past.
  3. Talking about how to part with a man whom you love, it is worth giving one more important advice - control your own emotions. Even if the lover indicates heartlessness and callousness, one should not succumb to provocations.
  4. No accusations and insults should not be, because this woman first of all shows her weakness. You do not have to try to make a partner guilty and it's best to take everything upon yourself. Just do not use the terrible words "it's not about you", because they have long been synonymous with indifference.
  5. Another important advice that relates to how to part with a man who uses you, or loves, in any case, do not give in vain hopes. It is not necessary to offer friendship and avoid any inconsistency. Be firm and put a point. If everything goes well, then in the future the relationship will improve.
  6. After all, do not offer to drink coffee together or take a walk together, because it's vain hopes. The best solution is just to get up and leave. In the same way, it is worthwhile to act if the man began to show aggression , blame, or, on the contrary, ask to remain. Tell me clearly that this decision is final. It is important to break all contacts, that is, remove it from social networks, block the phone, in general, delete from your life. This will allow both partners to better survive the separation and avoid scandals and fights.

There are also psychologists' advice that should be used in case you still have feelings for a man, but you do not want to renew your relationship. To start a new life, it is recommended to throw out all the emotions, it can be done with a girlfriend, at home in front of a mirror or in any other way. Express everything that has accumulated on the soul. Devote your free time to yourself, for example, study languages, travel, find a hobby , in general, do everything that will bring positive emotions and distract from the thoughts of the former lover. You can change and externally, for example, lose weight, make a new hairstyle or update your wardrobe. Try to spend a lot of time in a circle of friends and do not be afraid to make new acquaintances. All these tips will allow you to start life from scratch and finally forget about the failed relationship.