Fingers on the hands

When the fingers are itchy, do not immediately think about the worst, since this problem is often not a symptom of a serious illness. But, of course, if you do not take measures, then you can join rash, irritation, scratching, blisters, etc., and also go into a chronic form.

The reasons why the fingers are itchy

Such an uncomfortable condition can be short-term or long-term, it all depends on the anamnesis and the measures taken to combat this problem.

Causes of itching on the fingers:

If the itching is felt in the area between the fingers, then sometimes it can talk about:

And there is absolutely no informativeness which of the fingers itchs more, whether you are scratching the thumb of your left or right hand.

What measures need to be taken?

If you suffer from itching on fingers or hands, and moreover, accompanied by cracks, rashes, blisters, or does not go away for several days, then without medical assistance you can not cope, so immediately consult a dermatologist or therapist at the nearest clinic. But on your own you can help yourself to reduce the unpleasant and irritating itching.

First of all, it is necessary to minimize the impact of external factors and allergens, then the itch itself will gradually recede. Avoid contact with hot and cold, wash your hands regularly with warm water.

If your hands are worn or dried, then use a fat cream to moisten them, and the itching will immediately decrease.

For a short time helps to remove the itching conditions of the skin cold. A few ice cubes wrap in tissue and attach to the affected area or place your palm under a cold stream of water.

You can hold hands for 10-15 minutes in a warm broth based on oatmeal.

The recipe for broth



In a suitable bowl or saucepan pour a glass of flakes with boiling water, let them brew and cool, that's all, the broth is ready.