Pink spots on the skin

Different spots on the skin appeared at least once in each. The cause of their formation can be insect bites, allergic reaction, constant emotional stress. Appearing suddenly pink spots on the skin can not be ignored, because their nature can be different, and some of them may even represent a great danger to health.

Why do pink spots appear on the skin?

The most common factors that provoke the appearance of pathological formations on the skin are:

The appearance of a pink patch on the skin, which does not itch, can also explain the widening of the blood vessels, which is the result of nervous experiences. With a feeling of anger, fear, shame or resentment, spots can cover the neck, face and chest.

Pink spot with a red border on the skin

Such a rash affects patients with pink lichen . This ailment occurs most often in women. The exact cause of the pathology is not revealed, but it is known that it is formed against a background of a sharp drop in immunity in spring and autumn.

The appearance of round pink spots on the skin is the first symptom of this disease. First, one spot appears, usually on the back or chest. The face and neck with such a disease, as a rule, does not suffer. Then seven to ten days later, the hips, shoulders, chest and back sprinkle individual oval plaques not more than 1 cm in diameter. It should be noted that the central part of the pink spot on the skin is scaly, but the plaques practically do not itch. After about five weeks they completely pass.

Sometimes the disease is confused with ringworm, but the use of antifungal agents does not give positive results.