When to transplant the grapes?

Sometimes gardeners who grow grapes on their plot need to transplant an adult bush to another place. Such a situation can arise from the fact that the bushes and trees planted at a young age have grown, and there has become little space or any tree has begun to obscure the grape bush. Thus, the question arises: at what time to transplant the grapes?

There are two periods when you can transplant the grapes to another place: in the autumn and in the spring.

Transplanting grapes in autumn

It is believed that it is better to transplant the grapes, when the leaf fall passed, but the night frosts have not yet come. At this time, the shrubbery already enters a period of rest.

The transplant is carried out as follows: first the bush is dug in a radius of half a meter. If other shrubs or trees grow near, you should act very carefully so as not to damage their roots.

The possibility of excavating the roots entirely depends on the type of soil. If the groundwater is near or the soil is heavy, then the roots grow in the upper layers of the earth and they can be reached. In case the grapes grow on sandy soil, the roots lie deep, at a distance of about 1.5 m. In this case, they will have to be chopped off.

Before planting, the roots are pre-treated: the old ones are cut off, leaving only 2-3 year old roots. They dipped in a solution of a clay potato with dilute potassium permanganate.

Preparation of pit for planting grapes

The pit is prepared for planting deeper than the one in which the bush was located. This is due to the fact that the plant will be transplanted with already developed roots.

A bucket of water is poured into the pit. The bottom is sprinkled with clay, and above - a layer of fertile land with gravel and sand. It will be very useful to add barley seeds to the root area. Then the bush of grapes is placed in a pit, which is filled with earth, and watered again.

When carrying out plant transplantation in autumn, it should be taken into account that it is necessary to cover it for the winter.

Transplanting grapes in spring

Some gardeners prefer to transplant grapes in the spring time. The optimal time for this is the time before the beginning of bud and sap movement, until April 25-28.

If you chose this option, then you need to consider some points:

Thus, you can make an optimal decision for yourself when you need to transplant grapes - in the fall or in the spring.