Benefits of litchi for health and weight loss

There is very little doubt about the benefits of lychee berries, but everything is good only in moderation. The temptation to eat plenty of berries is great, but such "experiments" result in eating disorders and poisoning and the resulting aversion to berries can not always be overcome, although lychees - a product unique and quite affordable.

Lychee - good and bad for health

Berry has a pleasant tart aroma and pronounced sour-sweet taste. A hilly, dense peel conceals under itself a juicy, delicate, watery flesh that "melts" in the mouth and perfectly quenches thirst. The high content of minerals and vitamins convinces people by their own example, what is useful for litchi, when they regularly add berries to food or prepare from them an independent dish. Fruits are capable of:

On the harmful properties of exotic fruits is unknown, but they are not recommended for people who have an allergic reaction to lychee in the form of skin irritation or inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth. You can test the sensitivity to the product by eating 1-2 fetuses and waiting a few hours. If this does not affect the physical well-being negatively, lychees can be safely added to the daily menu.

Litchi bones - good and bad

In fresh, dried, frozen form is used lychee fruit, the use of bone is the concentration of nutrients that enter the human body in the form of powder. Oblong seeds are dried and crushed thoroughly. Powder from the bones has analgesic properties and helps with:

However, the use of ossicles in excessive amounts threatens serious poisoning. Medical experts tend to believe that they contain, in addition to useful, and toxic substances. Before using seed powder for medicinal purposes, you need to get advice from a specialist. He will clarify, in what cases from lichi - good, and in what - harm.

Litchi fruit - useful peel properties

Looking at the unsightly dry shell of berries, people "rack their brains", what is useful is the skin of the litchi, if it quickly spoils the torn fruits and does not have such pleasant taste as the flesh. Peel - looks hard, but has a fragile shell, which is damaged by the pressure of the fingers. It is rich in coarse fiber and contains diuretics. On the basis of the peel, broths are prepared, helping to get rid of excess fluid.

What are vitamins in litchi?

There is a whole storehouse of useful substances in berries. The amount of kcal in 100 g of the product is 76. The content of water in the pulp is 81%. In fruit lychee vitamins are contained in combination with a set of minerals. It:

The list is supplemented with mineral substances:

Benefits of litchi for women

The use of fruits by women gives an amazing effect: in a few months, small wrinkles disappear on the skin, it becomes tight and elastic, cellulite disappears. Broken, lifeless hair acquires the former strength, ceases to fall out. Disappear symptoms of diseases of the genitourinary sphere: cystitis, urethritis, endometritis, candidiasis. Used and lychee berries for weight loss (normalize metabolism in the body and regulate water-salt metabolism).

Lychee for weight loss

Excessive consumption of fatty, salty, sharp, buttery foods; disorderly food leads to problems of the gastrointestinal tract, to obesity. You can get out of this situation by starting the meal at the same time, using as much vegetables and fruits as possible to prepare the dishes. Reasoning how useful the litchi fruit, it is easy to understand its advantages:

  1. Contains a large amount of coarse fiber and pectin - creates a rapid sense of satiety, suppresses appetite.
  2. It restores metabolism.
  3. In combination with physical exercises accelerates the process of burning fat cells.
  4. To daily use is recommended up to 250 g of berries for adults. This amount of fruit is enough to achieve a gradual elimination of excess fat.
  5. The berries contain enough fructose for processing it into glucose, on which the brain's work depends.

Harm to the lychee

As with other exotic fruits, there are contraindications in lychee, ignoring of which leads to dangerous health consequences:

  1. You can not use berries for people with kidney failure, severe liver disease.
  2. Lychee is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.
  3. Fruits are forbidden to people who have an allergy to the substances contained in the flesh and skin of the fruit.
  4. With great care, lychee can be added to the menu of pregnant women - the activation of metabolic processes in rare cases provokes miscarriages.