How to cook the compote from the sweet cherry?

Cherry is a delicious berry, well-deservedly loved by many: it contains the content of a certain amount of vitamin C, and a set of trace elements from the list necessary for health and longevity is found. Cherry, like many fruits and berries of red color, increases the hemoglobin content in the blood, and besides, it does not cause heartburn, practically does not contain calories, so you can consume it in kilograms.

The season of sweet cherry, however, very quickly ends, so lovers of this wonderful berry try to prepare it for future use. Jam is traditionally cooked from white cherry , but red (black) or frozen , or rolled in the form of compotes. We'll tell you how to make a compote of sweet cherry.

There are two ways to roll a compote from a sweet cherry without sterilization.

Method one



In this way, we roll a compote of sweet cherry with citric acid. Since we will not sterilize the compote, the banks need to be washed very carefully - you can use a cleaning agent or baking soda for degreasing. When the banks are properly washed and glassed, we proceed to conservation. Berry soaked in cold water somewhere about 10-15 minutes, then sorted, remove the rubbish and stalks, tilted on a sieve and let drain. Next, we spread the berries on cans and fill them with water (to measure the necessary quantity). The canning process will be quite long, since each portion will be cooked separately. So, we drain the water from one jar into the pan, wait for the boiling, dissolve the sugar (1 glass of sugar for 2 liters of water) and acid, lower the sweet cherry, cook for 2 minutes, pour into the jar, close with a sterilized lid and roll. We take the next jar and do the same.

Method of the second

This way you can roll a compote of cherries and strawberries, the recipe is much simpler.



Of course, first we prepare banks and berries. Cherry and strawberries soak individually for about 20 minutes, then rinse the berries. We remove the branches from the cherries, while the strawberries have sepals. We carefully watch that the damaged, damaged berries do not hit. Rinse everything under running water and leave to drain. We lay out the berries on sterilized over steam for 2-3 minutes: 1 part strawberry - 1 part cherry (for a three-liter jar we put 0.5 kg cherries and the same number of strawberries). Prepare the syrup: boil the water, dissolve the sugar and acid and leave to puff for just over a minute. Fill berries with syrup, cover with sterilized lids and leave for 10 minutes. Carefully merge the syrup back and boil again. Banks at this time are covered with lids, so that the berries do not cool. Fill again the berries with syrup and roll the jars. We turn, cover, wait, when it cools down. In the same way, we prepare a compote of cherry and cherry for the winter, only citric acid we put half, and the amount of sugar can be increased.

Compote of sweet cherry with mint and for winter



We prepare banks and sterilize them. Mine and sort out the berries, my mint. While everything is draining, we prepare syrup from water, lemon acid and sugar. When the syrup is boiled, we lower the mint into it, boil for 3 minutes, then remove the mint, lower the cherry, cook for another 3 minutes, pour it over the jars and close with sterilized lids.