Slimming Cream

Recently, cosmetics for weight loss are increasingly popular, promising to help us lose weight faster and more efficiently. Each of us in the reserves must have a cream for weight loss. But is it so effective and which cream for weight loss is better for you? You can learn this by trial and error, but it's better to think about its effectiveness even before buying.

What should be a cream for weight loss?

Let's designate at once one small nuance about which manufacturers forget to mention in advertising, misleading many. Cream for weight loss is an attendant, but not independent. What does it mean? Elementary! If you regularly handle cream with problem areas in the vain hope that it will destroy fat, the result is unlikely to please you. Because the cream acts as an auxiliary for physical exertion. This is what the research of American scientists has proved.

During the experiment, the women were divided into two groups. Both groups regularly performed the same physical exercises and ran. But women of one group used a slimming cream, and in the other group treated without it. As a result, according to the results of the measurements it was found out that the group in which they did not use the cream lost 10 cm in the waist. The same group where before the physical exercises the women applied the slimming cream to the waist regions, parted with 15 extra ones. See here the result !! But here it is worth noting that during the research it was found that the active effect of the cream with the content of the aminophylline component. It is a burning component and is activated by physical exertion on the muscles. Therefore, the ideal formula for combating obesity is the slimming cream plus fitness.

How to choose a cream for weight loss?

In the assortment of creams on the shelves of stores is not difficult to get confused. In our time there are many different means. You can not unequivocally name the best cream for weight loss, because the methods of combating obesity in each of them are different. So, there are several types of creams:

The most effective creams for weight loss are the following brands:

Of course, the reasons for being overweight are different for everyone. Therefore, hope that the cream that helped to cope with excess weight to your girlfriend, is ideal for you, do not. It is important to pay attention to the composition of the cream, which should include, in addition to incomprehensible names, natural components that are designed to fight excess volume. It can be orange oil, and, in general, any extracts of citrus, rosemary oil, fennel oil, ginger oil.

Many in the desire to lose weight and at the same time save, because the cream for losing weight usually is not enough, wonder - how to make a slimming cream at home. Natural cosmetics - this is a fairly effective and safe assistant. Your favorite body milk can be turned into a slimming cream, adding to it the essential oils listed above (citrus, ginger, rosemary, fennel, or juniper). To add a warming effect, you can "season" the mixture with a pinch of cayenne pepper. Such cream will improve blood flow in problem areas.

In any case, the slimming cream actively struggles with excess weight only with accompanying physical exertion and proper nutrition. In this case, it is able to enhance their effect.