Cabbage soup - recipe

Shchi - the most popular dish of Russian cuisine, a type of soup filling type. This dish is legendary, in literature, art and sustainable forms of language practice there are many mentions and cultural allusions associated with cabbage soup.

In cooking cabbage cabbage (both fresh and sour), sometimes sorrel and other greens.

A little about the history of cabbage soup

It is believed that soup in options close to modern, in Russia began to be prepared not earlier than the IX century. It was at these times that the Russian peasants began to actively and everywhere grow white cabbage.

Tell you how you can cook soup from sauerkraut. It is better to use cabbage sauerkraut, but not salted.

Russian classic lean soup from sauerkraut - recipe



In a clay pot we lay sauerkraut, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cover it with a lid. You can put the pot to languish in a preheated oven for 30 minutes or just leave it for 1 hour. Then salt with cabbage liquid in a separate container, cabbage we throw in a colander. In the frying pan, heat the oil, save the finely chopped onions, add the cabbage and lightly squash it for 10 minutes.

In the pan lay buckwheat, parsley root (whole), chopped not too finely mushrooms, carrots, potatoes and turnips (if it is, did not find - we'll manage). Add spices, pour 1 liter of water and cook for 20 minutes on low heat. The root of parsley is discarded. Combine the braised onions and cabbage mixture with the rest of the soup ingredients (that is, with what is in the pan). We shawl in cabbage cabbage infusion (or broth), merged earlier. Cover the pan with a lid and let cool for 10 minutes. Fill in chopped herbs and garlic. We pour soup into plates and season with sour cream immediately before serving. It's good to serve rye bread and a glass of strong bitter tincture or cool vodka.

Meat soup

Tasty meat soup from sauerkraut, for example, we prepare similarly rich or prepared ones (see above).

Separately we prepare meat broth from one or from different kinds of meat of domestic animals and a bird. Meat in the form of large pieces or one piece is poured with water and cooked until ready (about 1.5 hours) with the root of parsley, onion and spices. The root of parsley and the bulb is discarded. Meat is extracted and cut into small pieces of medium size. Broth carefully merge or filter.

In this meat broth cook buckwheat or rice (2 tablespoons), chopped not too finely mushrooms and vegetables (carrots, potatoes, turnips), all this is cooked in broth for 20 minutes, after which we lay the meat back.

Cabbage steamed with boiling water (0.5 liters) in a separate container for 1 hour, then the liquid is drained into a separate container and thrown back to the colander.

Sliced ​​onions with onion rings in a frying pan in oil, then add cabbage and lightly blown.

We put the stewed onions and cabbage mixture in a saucepan with broth, meat and vegetables. We add the cabbage infusion into the saucepan and cool a little. Sour cream is served separately. Sprinkle with herbs and garlic before eating.

Country cabbage soup

Rustic stewed tomatoes from sauerkraut can be cooked in the simplest way in a Russian oven.

We use the same ingredients (see above).


All the ingredients in the form of pieces, namely: meat, vegetables, mushrooms, spices and washed sauerkraut are laid in a thick-walled pot. Fill with water, tightly seal the pot with a raw wheat cake and place it in a cooling Russian oven (the coals should almost burn out). Close the shutter, the soup slowly languish. We extract the pot with delicious rustic cabbage soup after 4-5 or more hours.