LH Hormone

Luteinizing hormone , or abbreviated LH - sex hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland. In the female body, LH is responsible for nothing else than the cyclicity of the menstrual period, it also stimulates the production of estrogen, regulates the level of progesterone. In the male body, LH is involved in the synthesis of testosterone.

LH can be called a kind of trigger mechanism that starts the sexual maturation of a girl, making her a full-fledged mature woman, in other words, prepares the uterus and ovaries for their basic purpose.

If in men the amount of LH hormone in the blood is constant, then in women of reproductive age it directly depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Luteinizing hormone LH in women - abnormalities

Before the onset of puberty, LH is produced in a minimal amount, up to the onset of puberty, when an active reorganization of the organism takes place. After that, the pituitary gland begins to produce more LH hormone, which in turn affects the formation of the female silhouette, the development of genital organs.

It is known that during the menstrual cycle in women, the level of LH hormone changes, and is significantly elevated just before ovulation.

In the follicular phase, approximately from the first to the sixteenth day of the cycle - the concentration is 2-14 mED / l, during the ovulation period - 24-150 mED / l, and the luteal phase is characterized by LH value of 2-17 mED / l.

Deviations from the normal indices of LH can indicate pathological disorders. For example, a significant increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone is observed in infertility for gonadal reasons.

Analysis on LH

In most cases, women with the following problems need to determine the level of PH:

When to take an analysis for the hormone LH directly depends on the objectives pursued:

with a regular monthly cycle, the timing of delivery varies within the 6th-7th day of the menstrual cycle; in the absence of a regular cycle for the purpose of determining ovulation, LH analysis is taken every day,

from 8 to 18 days;

The general recommendations before taking the test are approximately as follows:

If the luteinizing hormone LH in a woman of reproductive age is increased, this may indicate polycystic ovary syndrome, early onset of menopause, primary dysfunction of the gonads. However, in order to establish a definitive diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an additional study, after which the doctor will be able to give more precise recommendations how to lower the hormone LH and to conduct adequate therapy of the disease.

LH deficiency is observed with obesity, hyperprolactinaemia, pituitary hemorrhage, Shihan syndrome and many other diseases. As a rule, a significant decrease in the level of the hormone LH can be brought about by stressful situations, the intake of hormonal contraceptives, surgical interventions, anabolic and other medications. The lowered level of the hormone LH is considered normal in pregnancy.

Maintaining the level of luteinizing hormone within normal limits is the basis for the functioning of the reproductive system.