The whole person

The whole personality is one of the most fetishized concepts in everyday, scientific and applied psychology, pedagogy, as well as some other humanitarian fields of knowledge and some forms of public consciousness.

You can not regard this concept as clearly defined and well-established, since different people (including authoritative specialists from science and various fields of activity) put different content into this concept.

Possible options

In a reduced everyday understanding, the whole person is one who has words that do not differ from the case. That is, it is a person who "has a ridge," or "the main core" ("core") of the person. Such people are certainly respected, but somehow too flat-footed and this principle of explanation is not sufficient as the main one.

In a more multilateral understanding, the whole personality can be defined as follows: a person whose body, mind, and soul are developed and interact harmoniously, as a single whole.

Morality and harmony

The whole personality is a person mature and formed, sufficiently independent spiritually, carrying out its activity on the basis of value-moral orientations. That is, the whole person is, above all, a harmoniously developed personality.

It should be noted that the understanding of harmony is seriously different in different peoples and in different cultures. However, in any case, any system of upbringing and education in different peoples and tribes in different cultures implies the desire to achieve the integrity of the individual.

Development and education of integrity

Different educational and educational approaches respond differently to the question: "How to become an integral personality?", Each of them offers its own methods and approaches. At first glance, they are very different, in fact, most of the trivial life truths proposed for mastering in the process of education are similar in different systems (for example, Buddhist, Christian and even Muslim moral behavioral principles largely coincide with each other, as well as with principles of secular systems of upbringing and education).

It is assumed that the personality in the process of development and upbringing, as well as subsequent self-development, assimilates the principles proposed by the family, the system of upbringing and the society. It is also assumed that the life goals and motives of the whole personality are tuned and realized in accordance with the public, otherwise the individual can be considered a sociopath. In fact, everything is much more complicated and mysterious.

And in fact…

It is people with a unique development, often contrary to the concepts of wholeness, seriously affect the development of spiritual, moral value and scientific and cultural spheres of life of the society. Affect both positively and negatively.

The human psyche is generally a very delicate matter. Such concepts as spirit and soul are generally difficult to analyze. And certainly, the least qualified analysis of the individual, its spiritual, mental and moral aspects, requires labeling. Alas, the overwhelming mass of teachers-practitioners does not differ in this matter with sufficient spiritual delicacy.


Proceeding from these reflections and comprehension, the opinion arises that the whole person is a person with their own thoughts, vital meanings and principles that can only be changed in the process of their own, personal reassessment, and not under the pressure of others. Such people are outside the crowd, they are truly independent. Often the whole person is internally deeply alone, because he dares to be himself. We have to be very flexible and versatile - to survive without breaking psychologically.

Well, and summing up the line, I want to recall that a person usually subjectively assigns certain meanings. Therefore, in the psychology of each of the thinking people there is an understanding of the whole personality. In any case, probably, everyone should strive for harmonious development, although it is easier for some to live without it.