Consciousness and language

Many animals have ways of communicating with each other, but speech was formed only in human society. This happened as a result of the development of labor and close unity of people, leading to the need for productive communication. Therefore, gradually the sounds from the means of expressing emotions turned into a way of conveying information about objects. But without the development of thinking, this would be impossible, so the question of the relationship between language and human consciousness occupies a last place in psychology, philosophers also showed interest in this problem.

Consciousness, thinking, language

The speech of man allows us to carry out two most important tasks - thinking and communication . The connection between consciousness and language is so tight that these phenomena can not exist separately, it is impossible to separate one from the other without loss of integrity. Language during communication acts as a means of conveying thoughts, feelings and any other information. But because of the peculiarities of human consciousness, language is also an instrument of thinking, helping to shape our ideas. The fact is that a person not only speaks but also thinks with the help of linguistic means, in order to understand and understand the images that have arisen with us, they certainly need to put them into a verbal form. Also, with the help of the language, a person finds an opportunity to preserve his ideas, making them the property of other people. And it is because of the fixation of thoughts with the help of the language that people get the opportunity to analyze their feelings and experiences in a detached manner.

Despite the indestructible unity of language and consciousness, there can be no sign of equality between them. Thought is a reflection of the existing reality, and the word is only a means of expressing thoughts. But sometimes words do not allow you to completely convey the idea, and in the same expression, different people can put different meanings. In addition, there are no national boundaries for the logical laws of thinking, but for the language there are limitations imposed on its vocabulary and grammatical structure.

But there is a direct connection between the development of the language of communication and consciousness. That is, speech is a derivative of a person's consciousness, not his thinking . At the same time, we should not consider language as a reflection of consciousness, it is only a correlate of its content. Therefore, richer speech indicates a richer content of consciousness. But to assess this moment it is necessary to observe the subject in different situations, the impossibility of this often gives rise to wrong conclusions about the person.