Pyoderma - symptoms

Among the most common skin diseases, in terms of the number of cases, pyoderma is leading - symptoms include any pustular lesion caused by coccal bacteria. To accurately establish the diagnosis, it is necessary to carefully study the signs and clinical picture of the pathology, as well as to find out the causative agent of the disease.

Skin disease of pyoderma - causes

Skin covers of the human body contain a diverse microflora, consisting of bacteria that provide local immunity. When the balance of the ratio of the number of these microorganisms is broken, active multiplication of pathogenic microbes (streptococci, staphylococcus or both flora at the same time), which provokes inflammation and the formation of pus.

Causes are:

The signs of pyoderma vary depending on the type of pathogens and the depth of bacterial damage.

Streptococcal pyoderma

The main symptom for a group of streptoderma is a convex formation in the epidermis, filled with purulent contents. It is called flicten and is not associated with hair follicles, or with sebaceous glands. Such bubbles can grow substantially and rapidly in size, merge, burst, forming surface erosion.


Characteristic features of the listed varieties is the presence of phlycenes with serous-purulent contents. As a rule, they are located in the surface layer of the epidermis, but with vulgar ectaim inflammatory process is localized in the deeper layers of the dermis. When the bubble envelope ruptures, erosion is covered by a dense crust under which an ulcerated area is seen.

Staphylococcal pyoderma

Due to the fact that staphylococci live in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, this type of disease affects these skin components. Staphylodermia is accompanied by abundant eruptions in the form of pustular cone-like acne, which often have a hair shaft at the base.

There are such kinds of illness:

Usually, staphylodermic purulent formations burst themselves, after which they are covered with a dense crust. Over time, it dries, leaving no erosion or stains on the skin.

Deep lesions are accompanied by soreness and extensive necrosis of the surrounding tissue. The abscesses have a diameter of more than 1.5 cm, the skin around them is hyperemic with a purple hue.

Shankriform pyoderma

In the case when the causative agents of the disease are both staphylococci and streptococci, it is called mixed or shanquiform. This type includes gangrenous pyoderma, which often accompanies complications of diabetes mellitus.
