Lilly Wachowski first appeared in the world becoming a woman

The star of the GLAAD Media Awards ceremony, at which representatives of sex-minority reached the heights, was Lilly Wachowski. The director first visited the official event after the sex change.

A contagious example

In the west, it became fashionable to be not like everyone else, and many people, including many stars, said that nature mistakenly gave them the wrong body. So, in 2015, his gender was changed by Olympic champion Bruce Jenner, now called Caitlin, and in 2012, Lilly Wachowski's older brother, Larry, became Lana.

Another cum-out

In early March, the press reported a sensational news, saying that the director who filmed the "Matrix" and "Eighth Feeling" is now a lady. Andy Wachowski, realizing that his secret was revealed, confessed to carrying out a sex change operation. It turned out that he had seen himself as a woman all his life, but he dared to take a cardinal step only in February of this year.

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Winner's reward ceremony

In the first days of April, a lot of homosexuals and bisexuals gathered in Los Angeles. 48-year-old Lilly Wachowski could not miss this important event for herself. She entered the GLAAD Media Awards to receive the award for her significant contribution to the development and popularization of the culture of sexual minorities.

Lilly had a black long dress with a slit that exposed her leg, and an open neckline. His muscular legs wore woven sandals on his heels. The director's hair was laid with curls, and the image was completed with three-dimensional earrings and a bracelet.