Buckwheat with chicken in a multivariate

Someone can say that buckwheat has long become boring and there is nothing superfluous in it. But this opinion is mistaken, because well-cooked buckwheat with vegetables and with meat - just delicious. And if all this is being prepared in a multivariate, then it is also a pleasure. Because the preparation itself takes 15-20 minutes to complete. And in the end you get a delicious and hearty dinner. Dishes from buckwheat in a multiquark are very juicy.

The recipe for cooking buckwheat in a multi-

Despite the fact that many are supporters of the usual cooking on the gas stove, you can be sure that you will get a very delicious buckwheat in the multivark.



Buckwheat and cleanse the garbage. Rinse and pour into the bowl multivark. Pour water, salt to taste and add oil. If desired, you can add butter to the already prepared buckwheat porridge. Put the multivarker in the buckwheat mode and wait for the cooking to finish. If you are going to use buckwheat as a garnish for something ready, for example, sausages or cutlets, then for a couple of minutes before the end of cooking, place the desired products over the buckwheat and heat for a couple. Your delicious buckwheat in the multivarquet is ready and you can serve it for dinner.

How to cook buckwheat with chicken in a multivariate?



Chicken meat cut into small cubes. Carrots clean and grate, onions also brush and cut into cubes. In the multivariate bowl, pour in the vegetable oil, put the carrots with onion and fry slightly in the "Baking" mode. Chicken fillet lay out to vegetables, stir and fry about 25 minutes under the closed lid.

Prepare buckwheat. Rinse it well by carefully selecting the garbage. Turn off the multivark, add the broth to the chicken and vegetables, then add salt and pepper. If you do not have time for the broth, just add hot water. Stir well all the ingredients. Add the buckwheat and mix again. Close the multivarker cover and prepare the dish for 40 minutes in the "Buckwheat" mode.

Buckwheat with ham in a multivark

This delicious buckwheat is cooked in sour cream sauce, which results in a delicate creamy cereal with a delicious chicken.



Chicken meat wash and dry with a paper towel. Salt and season with spices to your taste. Slightly fry the chicken in the "Baking" mode. Buckwheat is well washed and folded into a bowl multivarka. Top with lightly fried chicken. Pour in water, milk and sour cream. Then pour a little. Cook the buckwheat in the "Quenching" mode for about an hour.

Chicken with buckwheat and mushrooms in a multivark



Chicken drumstick wash, salt, grind spices and garlic. In the multivarka add the vegetable oil and in the "Baking" mode fry the chicken for 10 minutes on both sides. Peel onions and cut into half rings. Peel the carrots with small blocks. Put the vegetables to the chicken in the multivark. Roast another 10 minutes in the same mode. Then add the washed chopped mushrooms. Cook for about 8 minutes. Wash the buckwheat, add to the multivark, fill it with water. Turn on the "pilaf" mode and wait for the end of cooking.