Lipoma - treatment

A benign tumor consisting of an overgrown fat tissue does not pose a serious threat to health and vital activity. But it can cause aesthetic defects and interfere with the motor activity of the limbs. Therefore, do not delay with a visit to a specialist if lipoma is diagnosed - treatment is simple and almost painless, thanks to the use of modern technologies in the medical field.

How to treat a lipoma?

It is known that the adipose somewhat decreases in size, if a person grows thin. But this way is not a solution to the problem: the new growth will remain, but not in such a large extent.

To date, there are two common methods of tumor therapy. The first involves the use of external means, usually prepared according to the methods of traditional medicine. The second, most preferable, is to remove the lipoma.

Below we consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method, their variations, consequences and possible risks.

Folk treatment of lipoma

The effectiveness of the proposed methods is quite high, but it should be remembered that the treatment of lipoma by folk remedies is aimed at enhancing blood circulation in the place of localization of adipose tissue accumulation. Thus, the neoplasm will not disappear after several procedures, but will dissolve a very long time. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the tumor will be completely eliminated, since there is often a hard capsule in which the fat can again accumulate.

Folk remedies for lipoma:

  1. Attach and tightly pribintovat fresh leaf fragrant callisia ( golden mustache ) to the lesion and leave for 12 hours. Change the bandage twice a day.
  2. Apply a film of raw chicken eggs to the wen (between the protein and the shell). After the skin has acquired a different color, and the area around the lipoma becomes swollen, wait 10 hours and change the compress.
  3. Eat about 1 tablespoon of natural ground cinnamon every day. You can add spices to dishes and pastries.
  4. Lubricate the area with a new growth of fresh juice or celandine concentrate. When the skin appears an ulcer that opens the surface of the lipoma, apply alternately compresses of halved baked onions (onions), aloe leaf, cut along, mush of plantain.
  5. Every day, carefully rub directly into the tumor mixture of grated cloves of garlic and vegetable oil. Consistency should be like a thick ointment.

During therapy, be sure to pay attention to the reactions of your skin and the condition of the wen. Unsuitable methods can cause irritation, chemical burns, inflammation, infection.

How to get rid of lipoma?

The most effective way is considered surgical, which consists in the vyulshchivanii neoplasm together with the capsule. At first, a thin incision is made on the skin, then the lipoma is completely removed, its area of ​​treatment is treated with an antiseptic solution, and seams are applied. After such operations, scarred scars remain, the procedure is performed using local or general anesthesia.

An alternative, but no less effective technique was the removal of the lipoma by a laser. The area around the tumor is anesthetized, after which the new formation gradually evaporates with a directed beam of particles.

Among the advantages of such a gentle intervention is the low traumatism and the absence of a long period of rehabilitation, as well as postoperative scars.

There is also one drawback - when the wiper is evaporated by a laser, the capsule remains under the skin, respectively, there is a risk of recurrence of the pathology.