Steroids for muscle growth

Nowadays muscular people want to be not only guys but also girls. Strangely enough, sometimes both of them choose such a dubious and illegal way, as steroids for muscle growth. However, if the male use of such substances for a long time does not seem to be around strange, then the use of steroids for girls still raises a lot of questions. The fact is that the hormonal background in the representatives of the strong and the fair sex representatives differ sharply, in connection with which, and the hormonal preparations, to the group of which the steroids are referred, affect quite differently.

How do steroids affect a woman's body?

The use of hormonal drugs by girls and women on medical grounds is, of course, justified. But is it worth trying such a technique to improve your athletic performance and acquire impressive muscle? .. Steroids are artificially produced testosterone, a "male hormone", which enhances the overall energy and allows you to quickly create relief, volumetric muscles. And, of course, for a woman's body raised testosterone is even more dangerous than for a male.

As a rule, the hormones of this plan are used in the treatment of very serious diseases like oncology. In this case, the reception is under the supervision of the doctor and the occurrence of undesirable consequences is less likely.

Steroids are an illegal drug and people use it at their own peril and risk. For women, there is always the possibility of encountering such an undesirable phenomenon as virilization. This is a manifestation of male sexual characteristics in women (features of build, voice, increased hairiness), which occurs in people who use drugs with male hormones.

Due to the pronounced anabolic effect of steroids, a "male type of figure" is formed - developed musculature, broad shoulders, narrow pelvis. To this are added the mustache on the face, the coarsening of the voice - and the girl after that will not know! Sometimes there are also such problems as an increase in the clitoris in size, irregularities in the menstrual cycle and other pathologies.

Thus, unreasonable use of substances of such a plan can be very dangerous, and age under 21 years is the most important contraindication of steroids.

Steroids for Women: Prohibited List

There are also such steroids, which women are not exactly recommended to use. The question of whether it is possible to use steroids is ultimately decided by everyone for themselves, but these substances should not be taken exactly by the girls:

If these substances are used, the risk of virilization is too high.

Possible steroids for a set of muscle mass

If you have already decided that this method is right for you, and only think about what steroids to take and how, then it's best to stop on this list, which includes anabolic steroids:

In any case, the use of injections and steroids tablets for the muscles is undesirable for those women who are planning to have children in the foreseeable future. In this case, it's better just to do fitness and follow the protein diet .