Hesychasm in Orthodoxy and Philosophy - what is it?

Although religion has penetrated all corners of our planet, many terms related to it remain unknown, for example, they include hesychasm. This direction has its own ideas and philosophy, which helps to understand the full significance of this direction.

What is hesychasm?

The term originated from the Greek word "hesychia", whose meaning is calmness, silence and solitude. Hesychasm is the practice of monks in the Orthodox faith, based on the teachings of Jesus. His main goal is to contemplate the Divine light, which will come from the heart. The mention of this practice was found in the documents of the 3rd-4th centuries. n. e. The greatest distribution was due to Grigory Palamas in the 14th century. The official recognition of hesychasm was in 1351.

According to this mystical practice, the Lord can not be cognized using logical thinking or scientific knowledge. To see it, you need strong-willed efforts, you need to be focused and get the indulgence of God's grace. There are three directions of hesychasm:

Hesychasm in philosophy

The basis of practice is spiritual reincarnation, which gives a chance to communicate and see the Lord. Hesychasm in philosophy is an opportunity to understand that a person is a microcosm in which the entire universe is reflected. People who commit sins darken the image of the Lord within themselves, but if one lives by the commandments, one can purify the soul and approach the Higher Powers through prayers. God constantly opens the world in his actions, for example, in power, love, wisdom, and so on.

Hesychasm in Orthodoxy

Practices can be conditionally divided into several elements, which must be performed exclusively in strict sequence.

  1. Purification of the heart . Christian hesychasm is based on the fact that only a person with a pure heart can see God. It is believed that people should be more ascetic in food, clothing and other areas. It is important to distract from any objects of sensual pleasure, which will allow us to concentrate on communicating with the Lord. You can use cleverly-hearted prayers, to which Jesus himself tied to the constant pronunciation.
  2. Solitude . Practice is necessary only in isolation and better in the shadows. This is important for maximum concentration.
  3. A connection of the mind and heart . Orthodox Hesychasm implies the use of meditation and breathing exercises. As a result, the mind concentrates in the heart region, where the soul is. This is commonly called "smart doing."
  4. Prayer . Jesus' prayer must be repeated incessantly and in one breath. This is a special art that can be trained.
  5. Silence . After all the stages have been passed, there is a concentration on the heart and the formation of silence, which is important for communicating with the Lord.
  6. The phenomenon of the Tabor light . The last stage indicates the entry into the communion.

Ideas of Hesychasm

If we briefly describe the main ideas of this practice, then this is a cleverly-hearted prayer that is combined with control over one's own thoughts and helps to purify the mind and heart. Although in the New Testament it is said that no one has ever seen the Lord, the doctrine of hesychasm asserts that it permeates the whole world. Many practitioners claim that one can communicate with angelic matters.

Modern Hesychasm

In the world you can find several modern foci of hesychasm and the following examples can be cited:

  1. Autonomous monastic state on Mount Athos, Greece . Prayer books in the twentieth century revived hesychasm and gave it a new impetus. On the Holy mountain there are several desert cells, where monks who practice theology of hesychasm live.
  2. Sketes, Moldova . In monasteries located on the territory of this country, there are people practicing hesychasm.
  3. Monastery of John the Baptist, Great Britain . Hesychasm is propagated for contemporaries in England. Propagated practitioner disciple of the Reverend Silouan.

Hesychasm - books

There are several literary works that set out the basic ideas and philosophy of hesychasm. Among the most popular books are the following:

  1. "Triads in defense of the sacred-silent" G. Palamas . The author defends and systemises hesychasm and other teachings aimed at uniting man with God.
  2. "One Night in the Wilderness of the Holy Mountain" Hierotheus (Vlahos) . In this book it is described that hesychasm is a spiritual path and the meaning of Jesus' prayer, the stages of its teaching and possible results are revealed.