Mattress in a cot

There are a number of things for the baby that you should choose very carefully and first of all, it is a mattress in the crib, because on it the child will sleep most of the day during the first years of life. The newborns have not yet formed the physiological curves of the ridge, and the bones of the skeleton are soft and can be deformed, and therefore it is better to pick up a good mattress in the crib in time than to fight the consequences of the wrong choice for a long time.

Types of mattresses in a crib for newborns

The main types of mattresses for children of the first years of life are springless and spring.

  1. Springless mattresses for newborns . Such mattress in the crib consists of the upper, often fabric cover and inner filler (polyurethane foam, latex or coconut). Such a child's mattress in the crib should be easy and restore the shape after deformations. It is also necessary to pay attention to the quality of the mattress made of polyurethane foam - in high-quality mattresses, a large weight is a sign of good material. Another sign of quality remains the stiffness of the mattress - it must be rigid, but at the same time quickly restore the shape after deformation.
  2. Spring mattress in the crib . A distinctive feature of this mattress is the spring unit inside it, as well as additional layers for the child's comfort on this mattress. There are two types of spring mattresses:

Rules for choosing a spring mattress for a newborn

Any spring block of a mattress should be of good quality and rigid, thus rigidity depends on number of springs on square meter of a mattress. Do not buy mattresses with a reduced or increased number of springs on the area, with a large distance between the springs or with springs made of very thin wire.

It is necessary to check what material is made of the insulating layer of the mattress, which is located between the springs and other layers. It is best if the mattress in the cot has a coconut insulating layer from the grated shell of this nut, but the coconut fiber can not be latexed to bind the fibers, since this latex mixture in rubberized coconut contains toxic substances that are forbidden in the manufacture of children's mattresses.

A good material for insulation can be considered spunbond or felt. The latter is very suitable for mattresses that use no more than 10 years, as in time the felt loses its strength, but for a baby mattress that will serve 2-3 years, the felt remains a good insulator. For any insulator, if you press the mattress with your hand, the springs should not be felt.

Be sure to measure the bed before buying a mattress - the size of the mattress in the baby cot should not be more than it or less than the internal size of the bed more than 3-4 cm. For the child, the perimeter of the mattress must be additionally rigid to increase its strength.

Do not choose a baby mattress made of cotton or foam rubber - these materials are not elastic enough, they can not only absorb moisture well, but also retain it for a long time, creating a breeding ground for microbes. Such a mattress quickly loses its shape, it has pits or seals irritating the body, and an excessively soft mattress can cause overheating and the appearance of diaper rash in the baby. Despite the low price, the quality of such mattresses does not allow recommending them to children.