Liquid dough for pizza

We used to think that cooking a home base for pizza - it's very energy-consuming. To argue with this there is no sense, indeed it is really necessary to knead the dough for the first time (for quite some time, we care about highly developed gluten!), Leave to rest before doubling in size, dancing around with a tambourine and praying for yeast to make its work as it should. After, it needs to be unrolled evenly and then again set off to dance so that the base is uniformly baked. Recipes from the list go beyond the rules of traditional Italian cuisine, the rules of the technology of preparation of the test and in general for all possible rules, but is this important if the output is tasty? We reveal all the secrets of how to make a batter for pizza .

Liquid dough for instant pizza

In this pizza there is no yeast, a lot of flour and its kneading does not seem like a full replacement for training in the gym, is not that what you have long dreamed of?



Getting self-rising flour will not be obtained in every supermarket and if yours is also one of the list - it does not matter, because in fact self-rising flour is a ready-made mixture of ordinary wheat flour with a baking powder. On the above described amount of flour you will need a half teaspoons of baking powder for the dough. Follow the baking powder into the dough and a good pinch of salt. Pour in an almost equal amount of water and add half of the oil. Now it remains only to knead all the ingredients and you can put the frying pan on the fire - on this the preparation of the liquid dough for pizza is over. The heat under the frying pan should be medium, while the surface itself, just like its walls, should be covered with oil. We distribute the liquid dough as flat as possible. We do not need to wait for roasting, immediately distribute the sauce and the selected stuffing, cover everything with a lid and wait for 9-10 minutes.

Liquid dough for pizza on yeast

Using yeast in the recipe, you subscribe to what you are willing to wait before you start eating pizza. After all, yeast is a microorganism that needs time to activate and start work, but if you're ready to do all the work in a hurry, get ready to get a lush and light dough that was worth the wait.



Mix the water with the warmed milk, dissolve the sugar in the liquid and put the yeast, usually the last one needs to spend 10 minutes in the heat to activate. Fill the flour with yeast solution and add oil. Liquid yeast dough for pizza practical is ready, it remains only to knead it and leave in the heat for 45-50 minutes. The finished dough is poured into a frying pan, fried like a pancake, on both sides, until blanching, on medium heat, and after adding sauce and filling, the fire is completely minimized and the pizza covered with a lid.

Liquid dough for pizza on sour cream



All ingredients from the list above place in the bowl of the food processor and knead at a minimum speed of 3 minutes, do not forget that the liquid should be warm, otherwise the yeast will not activate. Leave the dough warm for 45-50 minutes, then pour into a frying pan and fry on minimum heat. Fillings and sauce add at the very end, when the cake is already ready.