Pizza sauce

What gives the pizza a special, unique taste? Of course, the sauce with which this dish is served. There are many recipes for different pizza sauces. The most popular of them are creamy, garlic, cheese, Italian, tomato pizza sauce, and, of course, classic. To a different pizza preparing its own dressing. For example, a creamy sauce will perfectly complement the taste of pizza with sausage, vegetables or fish. A cheese sauce is usually served to a pizza with mushrooms. Classic sauce is the most common and suitable for almost any Italian dish. So, which one to do, it's up to you! And how to make a sauce for pizza, we will now tell.

Creamy pizza sauce



Flour the flour with butter and salt, slowly add warm cream. A little boil and pour the whipped with sugar yolks. Ready creamy sauce can be safely served to pizza with any kind of meat.

Pizza sauce from a tomato



We cut tomatoes into cubes and put them in enameled utensils for a day (it's better to put such a preparation in a cool place so that the tomatoes do not deteriorate). Then merge the secreted juice, and the flesh boil on low heat, to get rid of the skin. We rub the flesh through a sieve or let it pass through the juicer. We put on a weak fire and, constantly stirring, cook until thick. 5 minutes before the readiness, add the spices, salt and cook for another 3-5 minutes. In a frying pan fry the finely chopped onion and add to the tomato sauce. All carefully mix and simmer on low heat for another 10 minutes.

Garlic sauce for pizza



To make the sauce, melt the butter, add flour to it and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Stir constantly, cook the mixture over low heat for 2 minutes. In a thin stream, add warm milk, salt, pepper, parsley, and increase the fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, without stopping it stir.

Remove from heat and add garlic, pre-fried in butter. Pour the finished mixture into a blender and whisk until smooth. Then put in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

Garlic sauce is ideal for absolutely any pizza, as well as meat, vegetable or fish dishes.

Cheese sauce for pizza



In butter, fry flour, salt and add hot milk. Bring the mixture to a boil, filter. In the prepared pizza sauce, add grated cheese, whipped yolks, butter and pepper. We mix everything thoroughly and cool a little.

Classic Pizza Sauce

Classic sauce will suit any pizza. It is simple in preparation, besides it can be stored for a long time in a refrigerator and it will not lose its taste.


We take enamel dishes and pour tomato paste into it. Add water, sugar, salt, oregano and butter, mix everything, boil a bit and taste it. If it is fresh - add a little salt, and if sour - sugar. Ideally, the sauce should be a bit like a tomato juice seasoned with spicy spices.