How much should a child eat in 2 months?

A small plump carapace pleases the eye of compassionate relatives and mummies. And perhaps, plump cheeks and folds at such an early age - a harmless phenomenon, but in the future overeating can have negative consequences. That's why parents need to find that "golden" mean with regard to the nutrition of the baby, so as not to overfeed it and, at the same time, provide the growing body with the necessary vitamins, minerals and other useful microelements.

As early as 2 months, parents should think about how much their child eats, whether they have enough milk, and when they need to supplement the baby with a mixture.

How much should a child have in 2 months: age and individual standards

Each kid is unique, and this concerns not only the overall development, but also the appetite. If the baby is breastfed, eats on demand, while he is healthy, active and gaining weight well, worry about how much a child should eat at 2 months, parents should not. In such a case, the baby only eats as much as he needs, and a sufficient monthly increase in weight will confirm that everything is in order with the appetite and fat content of mother's milk.

About the lack of milk and the need for pre-feeding mother will be known even before the district pediatrician reports that the baby is not gaining weight badly. If the baby is hungry, it will affect his behavior: moods, bad sleep and mood - all these are the first signs, that the baby did not eat the prescribed portion. Confirm or disprove the assumptions can be made with simple calculations and observations.

Without waiting for the verdict of the doctor, the mother can calculate and compare the daily portion, how much the child should eat in 2 months with the amount that he eats after the fact.

On average, at this age for a day, the crumb should eat 800 milliliters of milk or a mixture. This portion should be evenly distributed to 7-8 feedings, that is, on average for one feeding the baby should eat 120 milliliters. But these are only approximate figures, which can vary depending on individual needs of crumbs, time of day, mood and health status.

Of course, with the artificial feeding of mother it is much easier to control the situation. Seeing how much the mixture her baby eats in 2 months at a time, at what time of day the baby's appetite is better, she can make up an optimal diet for the baby.

It is more difficult to do this with breastfeeding. To determine how many grams of milk a child eats at 2 months per one feeding, you can weigh the crumb before and after eating. Thus, you can be sure that the baby gets the necessary portion, or, otherwise, take measures to improve lactation or introduce supplementary formula.

How much should a child have in 2 months: precise calculations

In addition to generalized norms, there are more precise methods that allow you to calculate the optimal needs of each baby. For example, according to Reich's method, the daily portion of milk is calculated as follows: the child's weight in grams is divided by the growth and the number obtained is multiplied by seven.

It is even easier to calculate the required amount of milk according to the method of Geyburn. According to the latter, up to 2 months the norm is the fifth part of the baby's weight, after the second and up to 6 months - the sixth part.

Possible problems with lactation

As a rule, it is possible to adjust the diet to newly mummy by 3-4 weeks after birth. But, judging by the observations of experts and experienced moms, at 2 months the amount of milk begins to decline, so at this time it is extremely important to ensure that the baby gets the portion he needs. In case the fears are confirmed and the baby really does not have enough milk, do not immediately rush to extremes and urgently introduce supplementation. To begin with, it is better to try all possible ways to restore lactation. It is worth remembering that a lactating woman should fully eat and rest, with a lack of milk, regularly express, drink more liquid and take a hot shower.