Eye Drops Opatanol

Allergy in each organism manifests itself in different ways. But whatever the manifestations of allergic reactions , they bring a lot of discomfort to a person. The strongest rhinitis, itchy rashes, swelling of the eyes are the most common signs of allergy. Of all the symptoms, eye drops of Opatanol, of course, will not be relieved, but the eyes will be returned to health exactly. And they will do it very quickly.

Composition and principle of action of drops for eyes Opatanol

Opatanol is considered one of the most effective antihistamines. At the heart of its composition is olopatadine, which is presented in the form of hydrochloride. One milliliter of drops contains one milligram of active ingredient.

In addition to olopatadine, Opatanol contains auxiliary components:

Olopatadine hydrochloride is a strong selective antihistamine. This substance prevents the release of histamine and does not allow the release of cytokines - particles, because of which inflammation develops. Opatanol reduces the permeability of the conjunctival vessels, thereby minimizing the contact of the allergen with the delicate eye mucosa.

The great advantage of eye drops Opatanol is that they act solely on H1-receptors. In this case, the drug has absolutely no effect on the vital serotonin, dopamine and cholinergic receptors. Do not change the drop and the diameter of the pupil.

Experts have long appreciated the effectiveness of ophthalmic drops Opatanol. Use a remedy for stopping allergic lesions of the eye mucosa. The drops act very gently, but the effect from their application comes almost instantaneously.

Indications for the use of eye drops Opatanol

The main purpose of drops Opatanol - the fight against allergies. Assign a remedy for such diagnoses as:

Drops can be used both for treatment and for preventive purposes. It is most effective to start applying the remedy for a couple of weeks before the supposed contact with the allergen.

According to the instructions to eye drops Opatanol, the remedy removes all the most unpleasant manifestations of an allergic reaction:

Method of application of eye drops from allergies Opatanol

The dosage of Opananol for each patient is selected individually. But mostly experts recommend using drops twice a day. The interval between the procedures of instillation of the eyes should be eight hours. Opatanol is digested directly into the conjunctive sac of the diseased eye. The standard dose is one drop, and it is not required to change it even for elderly patients and people with kidney diseases. If allergy symptoms are too vivid, you can increase the number of instillations to three.

Another undeniable plus of drops from the allergy of Opatanol is in harmlessness. If necessary, the product can be used for several months. Neither addiction nor side effects do not arise.

Contraindications to the use of drops in the eye from allergies Opatanol

Despite all the advantages, you can not use Opatanol for everyone:

  1. The drug is contraindicated for children up to three years.
  2. Do not drop the patients with individual intolerance to their components.
  3. It is also recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers to delay using Opatanol.