Rupture of the retina

Visual impairment is usually written off for stress. Myopic people are far from always rushing to the ophthalmologist, when they notice that they began to see worse. Meanwhile, the cause of the decline in vision may be rupture of the retina. If you do not take measures, it will lead to its detachment and irreversible consequences.

Symptoms of retinal rupture

The rupture of the retina can have a different shape and be in any place. Macular retinal rupture is located in the macular area, the central zone of the retina. As a rule, it looks like a hole and is caused by a tight fusion of the vitreous and retina in the macula. This is the most severe type of rupture, which requires prompt intervention. Lamellar rupture of the retina is damage in the form of scales, a slight detachment. Distinguish between the U-shape and the L-shape, as well as the gap in the form of a valve and a tooth. It can be in any area of ​​the eye. Symptoms of ruptures are the same:

The main causes of retinal rupture

There are two main causes of the gap:

  1. A rupture in the upper part of the retina as a result of vitreoretinal traction. Appear from the side of the temple, or nose. They have the form of a tooth, a valve, flakes.
  2. A rupture of a rounded shape in the upper or lower part of the retina, which appeared due to chronic atrophy.

There are a lot of factors provoking the gap. First of all, people who suffer from myopia, that is, myopia, belong to the risk group. In this category of patients the vitreous body is not round, but oval. With age, it dries up a little, decreases, which is the cause of retinal tension and the appearance of a rupture. Other provoking factors are:

The rupture is a very serious disorder, in most cases it leads to detachment of the retina, resulting in blindness. That's why it is important to detect the disease in time and prevent progression. Noticing at least one of the symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. To diagnose a retina rupture it is possible with the help of ophthalmologic examination of the fundus, ultrasound.

For prevention, you should visit the oculist once a year, avoid high physical exertion and stressful situations, and also carefully protect your eyes from the effects of ultraviolet rays. If you have short-sightedness, quality sunglasses are not a stylish accessory, but an essential item.