How to cook champignons?

Champignons are the most common mushrooms in the world. Culinary specialists in their recipes use artificially grown champignons. They are perfectly combined with meat, and with vegetable dishes, and with cheese. How to prepare champignons correctly, we'll tell you now.

How to cook champignons with potatoes?



Champignons mine and cut into plates. Peeled potatoes cut into circles or straws. We cut the onions with semirings. On vegetable oil fry mushrooms. In a separate frying pan, fry potatoes. Almost at the end of the preparation, potatoes are salted and add chopped onions. Stir, fry for 5 minutes, then add the mushrooms, a little stew and pour in the cream. Cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer for another 5 minutes. 5. Before serving, sprinkle mushrooms and potatoes with chopped herbs.

How to prepare mushrooms from champignons?



Mushrooms and cut into plates. Onions are cleaned and finely chopped. Cheese three on a grater. In a frying pan, we warm up the vegetable oil and spread the mushrooms, fry until they let the juice. Then add the onion, salt and pepper and mix. Fry it all together until the onion is clear. Melt the butter, add the flour and mix.

Then slowly pour the milk, without stopping to interfere, so that no lumps are formed. Bring the sauce to a boil, remove it from the heat and add the nutmeg and mix. Put the mushrooms in the molds, add grated cheese (on a pinch) and gently mix. We spread the remaining cheese from above. We send molds with julienne to the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes, until a golden crust appears.

How to prepare champignons in sour cream?



Mushrooms cut into plates, fry first on a high heat for 2 minutes, then reduce the fire and add the onion, diced. Fry all together until the liquid evaporates. After that add sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. After the sour cream begins to boil, turn off the fire. Cover the frying pan with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.

How to cook canned champignons?

On sale can be found canned sterilized mushrooms. They, in fact, are already ready for use, but they do not taste very good. You need to make a little more effort to become a truly delicious dish.

So, in a frying pan warm up the vegetable oil, add the chopped onion, fry until golden, spread the canned mushrooms (usually they are sold chopped slices), salt and pepper to taste. If desired, you can also add dried fennel. All this is mixed and fried for about 7 minutes. At the end of this time, delicious fried mushrooms are ready!

How to prepare frozen mushrooms?

Although these mushrooms are sold all year round, sometimes they are still convenient to freeze. As in this case, they prepare, now tell. Put the frozen mushrooms in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and fry until all the liquid has evaporated, then add crushed onions, salt, spices and fry for another 10 minutes.

How to cook stuffed mushrooms?



Mushrooms mine, carefully separate the legs from the hats. Cheese three on a fine grater. Ham cut into cubes and put in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Add the spices and, stirring, fry for about 5 minutes.

The oven is heated to 180 degrees. Cover the pan with parchment paper. Each mushroom head is stuffed with ham, greased with vegetable oil and put on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Bake for about 20 minutes. Time can vary depending on the size of the mushrooms. Stuffed mushrooms serve the table hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.