Lymphatic drainage massage for face

To stimulate the lymph circulation system in many massage rooms, a procedure such as lymphatic drainage massage of the face is suggested. Doing it at home is not recommended, since not every philistine is familiar with the location of lymph nodes in the human body and the direction of lymph flow. To make such procedure really useful only the person with medical education who attended special courses for such kind of massage can.

Lymphodrainage massage for face

This kind of activation of the functions of the lymphatic system is carried out using various adaptations and is done only in the conditions of the cabin. There are several types of hardware lymph drainage, namely:

  1. Exposure to tissue by low-voltage current. This allows the concomitant beneficial substances to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, while normalizing its water balance, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and making scarring virtually invisible.
  2. Process therapy , in which by means of microprocessors mounted in a special suit, there is a significant effect on the human body. As a result - weight loss, decreased manifestations of cellulite, swelling and varicose veins.
  3. Vacuum technique of lymphatic drainage massage for the face and body implies the effect of negative pressure on specific areas of the skin.
  4. Microcurrent superficial lymph drainage affects the capillaries located in the upper layers of the skin by applying electrical impulses.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage of the face

This procedure does not lose its relevance, because no one device can reproduce the sensitivity of the experienced hands of a massage therapist or a doctor. After all, the master of his business can control the force of pressure on a certain area of ​​the body, take into account the wishes of the client and his physiological characteristics.

It is extremely important to use the services of an experienced and well-proven masseur, as incorrectly performed manipulations will cause significant damage to the condition of the face and body.

Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage

Shiatsu technology , or, more simply, Japanese lymph drainage, can be done with equal success in the salon and repeat at home. To do this, every evening and morning after washing, you need to tap the fingers with your fingers, and do it lightly. The problem area around the eyes is tapping a little faster.

To massage the forehead, cheeks and temples, you need to mix the swings with strokes and do it always from the bottom up. For convenience, you can use both hands, or you can use one. The number of procedures is 5-6 sets of each movement per massage session. But to achieve a visible result, you need to do this every day.

How to do lymphatic drainage massage at home?

To resort to such actions makes sense only after the massage technique has been thoroughly and thoroughly studied. Without special knowledge, all your pattings and stroking will lead to nothing, and the risk of worsening the skin condition will increase.

A mandatory condition is the absence of strong pressure, and a gentle and delicate pressure on the places of lymph flow. The effect will be most unexpected: hateful wrinkles , crow's feet, swelling and circles under the eyes will disappear, the skin will improve and an inner feeling of comfort and relaxation will appear.

Learning to do lymph drainage massage at home costs in any case, because this technique does not require much time and effort, and the result will be a radiant appearance, self-confidence and beauty.