Crunch in the neck

Even in absolutely healthy people, sometimes with a sharp turn of the head there may be a crunch in the neck. If this happens only occasionally, there is no cause for concern. It is quite another matter if the grinding sound accompanies each of your movements. A symptom that is harmless at first glance may indicate different diseases. And some of them require close attention.

Why does it crunch when I turn my neck?

Even the most experienced specialists find it difficult to name the only true cause of the phenomenon. It is assumed that the crunch is caused by such factors:

  1. Very often the neck crunches at the tiny thin people. The reason for this - hypermobility or in other words - increased mobility - joints.
  2. Clicks when turning the head may indicate osteochondrosis and spondylosis .
  3. Sometimes the pain and crunch in the neck are signs of uncoovertebral arthrosis. This is a fairly common degenerative disease of the musculoskeletal system, in which minor intervertebral joints suffer.
  4. Specific sounds may appear due to spondylolisthesis. The disease causes displacement of one or several vertebrae simultaneously. A crunch is explained simply: when turning the head, the connection between the bone structures of the spine is broken.
  5. When complaints about a crunch in the neck and frequent dizziness, experts may suspect an intervertebral hernia .
  6. Due to frequent serious loads of cracking the neck can have professional athletes.
  7. Negative on the body affects the violation of calcium metabolism.
  8. Another reason is a disruption in the coordination of the so-called flexor muscles and extensors.

How to get rid of the crunch in the neck?

To begin with, pain should be eliminated. To do this, you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets or ointments.

Regardless of what caused a crunch in the patient's neck, physiotherapeutic procedures and massages are prescribed. They are aimed at accelerating the metabolism.

In particularly difficult cases, they resort to the help of manual therapists.

In fact, knowing the causes of crunching in the neck and conducting preventive procedures, treatment can be avoided. Warn the problem is simple: first, you need to eat right and stick to a healthy lifestyle, and secondly, you should regularly do exercises. Even the simplest exercises, kneading the neck, will be useful.