Rigid Diet

A rigid diet differs from the usual diet by a very low calorie diet. 500 kcal is the daily rate of kilocalories per day in this case. But any diet implies not just a restriction on food, but the use of a minimum amount of food, containing the necessary daily dose of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. If such a balance is violated, a rigid diet can lead to exhaustion, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired functioning of the immune system. Therefore, rigid diets for quick weight loss are allowed only under the supervision of an experienced nutritionist, who can make a menu based on the state of health and individual characteristics of the body. Even the toughest diet can bring the body benefits and help in the fight against excess weight, but only on the condition that the daily diet will fully meet the needs of the body and diet time will be limited.

Disadvantages of a strict diet

An effective diet is considered a diet, in which 200 g of fat is burned per day. But it is necessary to be cautious, weight loss can occur due to the loss of fluid and protein, particularly the cells of the liver, brain and muscle tissue, which are subsequently replaced by fat cells. Therefore, very strict diets are considered dangerous and are not recommended as a means of losing weight. If there is a possibility, it is better to prefer an ordinary balanced diet, useful not only for weight loss, but also for health. But there are cases when it is necessary to be in shape by a certain date, then only a rigid diet can help. The main thing is not to forget that after a diet you can not abruptly return to normal diet, nor can you dramatically increase the amount of food, as this can lead to adverse effects for the body. Cases of a lethal outcome are known, when after a prolonged fasting or diet, people dramatically changed the diet. Therefore, everything is good in moderation, and in pursuit of a slender figure one must not forget about health.

Separately, we should consider one important feature of the body, namely, a possible reaction to a sharp reduction in the amount of food. With an incorrect metabolism, fats are not consumed, but are deposited in the body. With the right diet, these fats are burned, and the metabolism is restored and subsequently excess weight does not return. But most often there comes a so-called rollback, that is, after losing weight again appears overweight, and even more than before the diet. This is due to a certain reaction of the body, which does not lend itself to conscious control. With a sharp reduction in the amount of food, the body begins to conserve the substances necessary for survival, that is, it makes reserves in the event of even greater restrictions in the intake of food. And, the body stores the body of fat, and to get energy uses protein tissue. Weight loss is due to a decrease in muscle mass, and fat remains in place. After a diet, when a person begins to eat ordinary food in ordinary quantities, the body continues to accumulate supplies, but in large quantities. The fat mass increases, and the protein tissue expended during the diet is replaced by fat cells. The consequence is a very rapid increase in body weight. This is a great stress for the body and causes damage to health. Avoid this, it is possible to make a right menu. Diet should not consist of monotonous products. Meals should be frequent, it is generally recommended to eat vegetables.


In the menu of a stiff diet for weight loss is to enter products that burn fat - grapefruit, apples, blackberries, greens, asparagus, broccoli, walnuts, low-fat dairy products, soy tofu, flaxseed, fish. Of the beverages that are beneficial for weight loss, natural coffee and green tea are considered. Also, if there are no contraindications, it is recommended to add spices to the dishes.

A healthy diet will be healthy for one day. Once every 1-2 weeks, arrange yourself a day of unloading - divide a small number of products into 5 parts. Eat every 3 hours. Products should be low-calorie and low-fat. Such a diet will not lead to exhaustion, but on the contrary will contribute to the cleansing of the body. The main thing is not to overeat the next day and not eat that way for a long time.

A rigid diet for a week should not consist of a limited number of foods. More useful for the body will be the use of different foods in small amounts at least 5 times a day. The effect can be strengthened by physical exercises, a hike in the sauna, receptions of herbal dues, which help to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

The most stringent diet for weight loss, perhaps, only apply in emergency cases, and without neglecting the recommendations of nutritionists about the correct way out of the diet. Here is an example of a stiff diet for fast weight loss.

"Jockey diet"

On the first day, one chicken cooked in the oven is eaten three times a day.

On the second day - 300 g veal, also divide the breakfast for lunch and dinner.

The third day is limited to 5 cups of natural coffee.

Long-term observance of such a diet is dangerous for health, because the foods included in the menu do not contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

Any hard diet for rapid weight loss can conceal a danger and lead to diseases not only of the digestive tract, but also of other body systems. Do not risk your health for a temporary result. If you have already decided to lose weight, then approach this issue seriously. Find out what caused the appearance of excess weight, choose an individual diet, limit the intake of harmful products, lead an active lifestyle. Restoring health, you will restore and metabolism, and along with it get rid of extra pounds.