Spots in the tongue

Studying the appearance of the language allows you to determine the presence of certain diseases of the body, the symptoms of which do not yet manifest themselves. First of all, take into account the presence of plaque on it and determine its color. In most cases, spots in the tongue become a consequence of non-compliance with oral hygiene or stomach diseases. Therefore, first of all, when revealing a plaque, it is necessary to revise your diet and lifestyle.

Spots in the language - causes

In the absence of any pathology, a person's tongue is pink. Plaque is usually thin a little white. When eating food in the intervals of the papillae, the remains of food can accumulate. After a short period of time, a raid occurs. For example, dark spots on the tongue are formed in lovers of dark chocolate or coffee. Often, such a phenomenon is faced by people suffering from alcoholism. The formation of plaque in this case is associated with intoxication of the body. It is easily cleaned with a toothbrush. However, if the plaque remains or occurs again when the dyeing products are excluded from the diet, then measures should be taken to protect their health.

White spots in the tongue

Unlike normal healthy plaque, white patches have compacted character and slightly rise above the surface of the organ. The reasons for their occurrence can be:

  1. Candida stomatitis , a disease in which the stains affect not only the tongue, but also the inner side of the cheeks and gums.
  2. Measles, a disease accompanied by a defeat of the respiratory system.
  3. The presence of a white spot on the tongue and difficulty swallowing indicate stomatitis of the esophagus.
  4. An outstanding, slit-covered plaque indicates a precancerous condition.
  5. The occurrence of red spots on the background of white deposits is characterized by the presence of serious problems with the kidneys.

Brown spot on the tongue

Such a plaque strikes in the following cases:

  1. If, in addition to brown spots, there is a sensation of bitterness in the mouth, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal pain, then the cause is dysbiosis or poisoning.
  2. Taking medications such as, Tharyngosept, Malavit and others, leads to a change in the shade of the tongue, while the formation of a plaque, most often, does not require stopping the taking of medications.
  3. With intense color, which is not removed after cleansing, often face a person with diseases of the pulmonary system, stomach or intestinal system.
  4. A frequent phenomenon of brown spots are in smokers, since the dyes in cigarettes can change the color of not only the skin and teeth, but also the tongue.
  5. The presence of brown spots in the tongue is often a symptom of a lack of vitamin B group, Addison's disease, diabetic coma.
  6. Fungal diseases often at the initial stage are accompanied by the appearance of a hard-to-remove plaque, which begins to darken as the mycosis develops.

Dark spot on the tongue

Most often this phenomenon is observed in such pathological processes:

  1. Violation of the acid-base balance, due to a deficit in the diet of fruits and vegetables and the abuse of flour.
  2. A black spot is sometimes found on the tongue when colds occur, when the fever lasts for a long time.
  3. The darkening of the surface of the organ indicates the defeat of the oral mucosa with a chromogenic fungus.
  4. Problems of the gallbladder and the digestive tract also affect the appearance of dark spots.

Red spots in the tongue

The spread of such a plaque may be associated with such diseases:

  1. Manifestation of an allergic reaction to certain drugs.
  2. Red spots, accompanied by itching, indicate a lichen or virus, transmitted by contact or airborne way.
  3. Red spots, surrounded by a yellow rim, are signs of a circulatory system or stomach disease.