Maklura - medicinal properties, recipes

Adam's apple is a large fruit, similar to a light green orange. It consists of a large number of dry berries with one seed inside, joined together by a fleshy axis, in the center of which there is an adhesive substance. In folk medicine this fetus is known as makluura - the medicinal properties and recipes based on the Adam's apple can treat a variety of systemic and skin diseases, even used in the therapy of cancer tumors.

The therapeutic properties of the pasta and the recipe for preparing the remedy for cancer

The described fruit is rich in useful substances:

The complex of these chemical compounds determines the positive effects of medicines based on Adam's apple:

Due to the high content of antioxidants, fruits help to arrest the growth of cancerous tumors and prevent metastasis.

The recipe for the pastry


Preparation and use

Wash, slice into small bread, fill with a 3-liter jar. Top up the tank with alcohol, cover the dishes with a lid, preferably sealed. In addition, you can wrap up the top of the can with food film and rubber tape. The agent is insisted until the solution in the container acquires a brown, tea color, about 6-12 months.

The medicine is taken according to a special scheme. The first 7 days you need to drink 3 drops of tincture 1 time per day. The next week - 2 times a day (the dosage is the same). From 15 to 21 days - 3 times in 24 hours. Starting with the 4th week, the number of drops increases to 4, but the frequency of reception is renewed from 1 time per day. Gradually the daily dose reaches 30 drops (10 pieces 3 times a day). After this, it is necessary to "move" in the reverse order, reducing the dosage by 1 drop, until it again reaches up to 3 pieces per day.

At the end of the course of treatment, it is important to interrupt for 45-60 days, and then you can resume therapy.

Tincture is taken before meals, diluting it in a small amount of water.

With the help of this tool you can treat not only cancer, but also other diseases:

It is worth noting that the presented recipe for the tincture of makluery is suitable for the therapy of joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons. The drug helps with:

Only in the treatment of these diseases the agent is used externally as a flourishing. It is recommended to treat painful areas before going to bed, after the procedure it is necessary to insulate the damaged areas.

Therapeutic properties of ointment with маклюрой and the recipe for its manufacture

The fruits of the Adam's apple, which were infused with alcohol in the manner described above, serve as an excellent raw material for the preparation of medicinal ointment. It is necessary to simply mix the available cake with warm olive oil in equal proportions and punch the mass with a blender.

Ointment from маклюры too it is possible to apply from illnesses of the oporno-impellent system. In addition, it has powerful antiseptic and healing properties, which helps at dermatological pathologies: