Honey from milk thistle - useful properties

Prickly doctor called milk thistle - a plant from the family of astroids. Some refer to it as a weed, and some use milk thistle as a medicinal plant for making infusions and broths. Also this herbaceous plant is a honeycomb. Honey from milk thistle is one of the valuable products of beekeeping and has a number of medicinal qualities.

Useful properties of honey from milk thistle

The main therapeutic effect of honey from milk thistle is on the gastrointestinal tract. In our age of rapid rhythm of life and malnutrition, few can boast of having never had problems with the stomach.

Honey from milk thistle has the property to regulate the secretion and condition of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Promotes healing of ulcers, relieves attacks of gastritis , relieves spasmodic attacks of stomach pain. With regular intake of honey from milk thistle, you can forget about such problems as constipation or poor digestion of food.

Beneficially honey from milk thistle affects the cardiovascular system, as well as the vessels of the brain, improving the conductivity of nerve impulses. Taking every night a spoonful of honey with warm water or milk, you can relieve nervous tension and normalize sleep.

Applying honey in the composition of house masks, you can well moisturize the skin and get rid of the first signs of aging. Promotes rapid healing of wounds and removal of inflammation on the skin.

How to take honey from milk thistle?

Begin the reception of honey should be from small doses, tk. there may be individual allergic reactions to the pollen of the plant. To treat skin problems, the product is used as applications and compresses. To achieve the therapeutic effect of taking honey inside, it is enough to take a tablespoon in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

Unfortunately, natural honey from milk thistle is very difficult to buy, since bees are very reluctant to visit places of its growth. Therefore, be careful and careful when buying.