Peach oil in the nose

Extract from peach bones is actively used in cosmetology to solve problems with skin and hair. But very few people know that you can use peach oil in your nose. Experienced otolaryngologists often prescribe this remedy, especially if there is a sensitivity of mucous to other drugs and a tendency to allergic reactions.

The use of peach oil for the nose

The product in question contains many useful substances:

The combination of these ingredients ensures fast and effective softening and moistening of mucous membranes, arresting inflammatory processes, dilating blood vessels, which facilitates the passage of a viscous secretion from the maxillary sinuses.

Moreover, the described product is hypoallergenic, does not provoke addiction, it allows dripping peach oil in the nose even to children, pregnant, nursing mothers. Also, the product is used in the therapy of people prone to strong reactions to external stimuli and histamines.

What kind of peach oil can be buried in the nose?

It is best to buy a sterile product at the pharmacy. You can also make it in two ways:

  1. Incense oil in a frying pan or in a saucepan (5-7 minutes).
  2. Sterilize the product in a water bath.

The second method is implemented as follows:

  1. Wash the half-liter glass jar thoroughly with baking soda.
  2. A few times, pass the inner surface of the container with boiling water.
  3. Cool the jar to room temperature, allow it to dry.
  4. Fill the container with peach oil about half.
  5. Place it in a pot with a thick bottom, 1/3 full of water.
  6. Put the resulting construction on a plate and leave the oil on a water bath (45 minutes). Fire should be minimal.

It is not recommended to use cosmetic peach oil in the nose, as it was not subjected to sufficient purification during production and can contain pathogenic microorganisms.

Instruction for peach oil as a drop in the nose

There are several ways to use the described product.

If the nose is slightly blocked, accompanied by irritation, dry mucous membranes, the presence of crusts on their surface and hyperemia (reddening), it is recommended to lubricate the inside of the nasal passages with peach oil 2-4 times a day. This can be done with a cotton swab or a thin swab from a sterile bandage.

As a monotherapy for the common cold with catarrhal diseases, otolaryngologists are advised to instill the drug once a day for 10-12 drops in each nostril. Treatment lasts up to 10 days. As a rule, during this time, the patient's condition is significantly alleviated, the viscous secretion of the maxillary sinuses is effectively diluted and diverted.

If the rhinitis is very severe, the following manipulations should be performed:

  1. Thoroughly rinse the nasal passages with saline solution or a special medicinal product ( Aquamaris ).
  2. Inoculate 3-4 drops of sterile peach oil into each nostril. In this case, it is important to be in a reclining position so that the product flows freely along the back wall of the nasopharynx.
  3. Repeat the procedure 2 more times, continue for 7-8 days.

The proposed method of therapy allows, among other things, to strengthen the walls of the capillaries in the mucous surface of the nose, to avoid attacks of sneezing and bleeding during the bleeding. Also, peach oil will remove inflammation, help stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, and therefore - avoid complications in the form of sinusitis , sinusitis and the frontitis.