Male Scorpio, female Cancer Compatibility

These two signs of the zodiac belong to the water element, so there is a lot in common between them. Externally cold for others, alone behind closed doors, they take off their masks and show affection and sympathy. What is the compatibility between the man Scorpio and the woman Cancer will be told in this article.

Compatibility signs woman Cancer and men Scorpio

Woman Cancer by nature is a complex and delicate person. The surrounding may seem that she is self-loving and indifferent, but only Scorpio can understand her tender and vulnerable soul, because he himself has such. They are both shielded from the world by a thick shell of self-defense. And Cancer is even more resistant when someone tries to look into his shell. However, Scorpio's penetrating look does not arouse distrust in him and he boldly hands him the key from his heart.

Perhaps, only a Scorpio man can appreciate Cancer's woman in a relationship. He alone without words understands what she needs and she is grateful to him for it. These two pull each other like a magnet. They can not part for days and at the same time do not feel the desire to be alone . The only thing that can cloud both partners is isolation. After quarrels and mutual reproaches, both withdraw into themselves and experience the conflict in silence, and this is very bad for the harmonious development of relations. At the same time, a vulnerable and incredibly sensitive to the offenses of Cancer can spur the nervous breakdown of Scorpio's cruelty in words and deeds, his jealousy, vengefulness and proprietary habits.

Little is good about the sign of the zodiac Scorpio, because he is known for his maniacal desire to sting more easily anyone who encroaches on his honor and dignity. If the partner can not bring a man to frenzy, smooth out sharp angles and translate everything into a joke, the union promises to be promising.

Scorpio man and woman Cancer in sex

As you know, sex begins long before bed, and a woman Cancer even more so. And let her understand that frequent confessions of love from the man of Scorpio do not wait, it is extremely necessary for them to pay attention to the type of flowers, coffee to bed, beautiful courtship. Without them, it withers and can no longer respond to the partner with reciprocity. If he can give her all this, intimate life promises to be stormy and bring satisfaction to both partners. The partner will love the incredible passion of Scorpio, his uncontrollable energy and pressure. He is for a quality process, so she will have to conform and readily support the initiative.

Women Cancers who want to know how to win a Scorpio man should be gentle, romantic and sensual. Do not descend to humiliation and not try to manipulate, this is something Scorpio will not tolerate. Feeling in oneself jealousy, proprietary inclinations and fears - all that is inherent in the Scorpios themselves and what they notice in others, you can become for him a companion for many years. He will appreciate the readiness of the Rakov to decorate life, to be a good mistress and wife. To such a woman he will be in a hurry after a hard day's work.

Relationships at work

Between the representatives of these signs of the zodiac established regular business relations. Scorpion leaders are known for their insane acumen, therefore subordinate Cancers should bet on honesty and openness in order to earn the boss's confidence. The scorpion-subordinate will respect the competent and hardworking superior Cancer and will always be ready to give the last strength for the sake of the common cause. The friendship between Cancer and Scorpio is also good. Because of the similarity of views and interests, they always find topics for conversation and usefully spend time together.