Bronchitis in pregnancy is the safest way to treat

In view of the weakening of immunity during the gestation of a baby, bronchitis in pregnancy is a frequent disease. Due to the inability to use most drugs, the therapeutic process has its own characteristics. Consider the disease in more detail, tell you what to treat bronchitis in pregnant women, what drugs to use.

Types of bronchitis

Bronchitis in pregnant women often occurs in acute form. For this type of disease is characterized by a rapid onset, with a rise in temperature, a cough, a deterioration in overall well-being. Initially, the cough is dry, harsh, intensifying in the evening. As the disease progresses, sputum is evacuated, which often has a yellow or greenish tinge. This directly indicates the bacterial origin of the disease.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the chronic form of bronchitis in pregnancy. This pathological process is characterized by a temporary fading. Develops when there is no necessary treatment. This cough lasts several weeks, but it's not so painful. The temperature remains, but does not exceed 37-37.5 degrees. Even considering the mild symptomatology, the disease requires diagnosis and treatment.

In the clinical course, obstructive bronchitis is also isolated. A characteristic feature of this form are periodic attacks of cough, which are accompanied by a violation of the respiration process. The cough becomes continuous, dry, and suffocating. The patient complains about the feeling of lack of air. Therapy of this type of bronchitis involves the appointment of drugs that remove spasms.

Depending on what caused bronchitis in pregnancy, it is customary to allocate the following types of disease:

What is dangerous for bronchitis in pregnancy?

Future mothers who are faced with the disease, often interested in the question of what is dangerous for bronchitis in pregnancy for the fetus. When answering it, doctors pay attention to the gestational age at which the disease developed. So bronchitis in pregnancy, in its beginning, leads to such complications as:

In late pregnancy, with the development of bronchitis, doctors are concerned about the possibility of early delivery. The cause of this may be an increase in uterine tone. During the cough, muscle structures of not only the thorax, but also the abdomen are involved. In addition, the process of breathing is also hampered, as a result of which the supply of oxygen to the fetus is limited, which can cause hypoxia of varying degrees.

What can be pregnant with bronchitis?

Bronchitis in early pregnancy requires special attention. The appointment of medications should be performed by a doctor. Moreover, the use of folk remedies must be agreed with the therapist, which is observed by the woman. To the appointment of antibacterial medicines, doctors resort, when the benefit to the mother's body, exceeds the possible risk of developing a disorder in the baby.

The algorithm of therapeutic effect is made individually, taking into account the severity of the disease, its stage and the gestation period. Among the groups of drugs used in pregnancy:

Regardless of the period of pregnancy, when carrying a baby, do not use:

What inhalations can I do with bronchitis?

To cure acute bronchitis during pregnancy, doctors often prescribe an inhalation. With this procedure, local effects on the respiratory system occur. This facilitates breathing, eliminates the development of obstruction. During manipulation, various solutions, herbal solutions based on medicinal herbs can be used:

These herbs perfectly help to cope with a dry cough. When wet, use:

An excellent remedy for coughing can be alkaline mineral water. Before use, it is necessary that the gases completely come out. You can prepare the solution yourself. For this, per liter of boiled water and take 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day. The duration of such manipulations is 10-15 minutes. The course lasts until the symptoms disappear completely, is established by the doctor.

What antibiotics can be pregnant with bronchitis?

Antibiotics for pregnant women with bronchitis should appoint a doctor. It establishes not only the type of causative agent of the disease, but also the term of gestation. At the beginning of pregnancy, doctors try to refrain from using this group of medicines. From the allowable when bearing a baby:

Separately, it is necessary to note drugs that are prohibited for use during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that they negatively affect the fetus, intrauterine growth processes, can lead to the development of malformations and congenital anomalies. When gestation is not used:

How to treat bronchitis in pregnancy?

When bronchitis develops in pregnant women, treatment begins with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. This helps to avoid the development of complications, the impact of pathogens on a small organism. At the same time, the basis of therapeutic measures is made up of antibiotics. Assign them only after determining the type of pathogen. This is determined by sputum culture. Because it takes time to conduct such a study, doctors often prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. Paralelno and symptomatic treatment:

Than to treat a bronchitis at pregnancy 1 term?

Because of the impossibility of prescribing medications at the beginning of gestation, bronchitis in pregnancy, 1 trimester, is treated symptomatically. Pregnant doctors advise means to relieve cough: tea with linden, milk with soda, not hot tea with honey. In order to quickly remove the pathogen from the body, establish an abundant drinking regimen. As a drink, you can use herbal decoctions from mother-and-stepmother, thyme, thermopsis.

Bronchitis in pregnancy 2 trimester - treatment

During this gestation period, doctors allow the use of antibacterial agents, which form the basis of therapy. To cure bronchitis during pregnancy, the second trimester, doctors resort to the appointment of such antibiotics as:

Dosage is set individually. The duration of the course is 5-7 days, depending on the stage at which the treatment is started. Full compliance with medical prescriptions and recommendations helps to quickly cope with the disease, eliminate the development of complications and the effect of medicines on a small organism. The future mother should be attentive to her well-being and report all changes to the doctor.

Bronchitis in pregnancy 3 trimester - treatment

This time period immediately precedes the birth. Drugs prescribed by a doctor can influence the process of delivery, worsen adaptive processes in a small organism after birth. When developing therapeutic effects on bronchitis in pregnancy, the trimester, doctors take into account these features. It is mandatory to use antitussive drugs - increasing the tone of uterine myometrium due to a cough for a long time can lead to premature birth.

Bronchitis in pregnant women - treatment with folk remedies

Complex treatment of bronchitis in pregnancy involves the use of medicinal plants. So when viscous, thick sputum, use such means:

  1. 100 g raisins are ground in a meat grinder, pour 500 ml of boiling water and put on fire. Drain, take instead of drinking throughout the day.
  2. 2 tablespoons of table mixes of chamomile, oregano and oremilk poured 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 1 hour. Take small portions during the day.
  3. 500 grams of bran pour 2 liters of boiled water, boil for 10 minutes. Filter, take instead of drinking.

Prevention of bronchitis

To exclude bronchitis during pregnancy, doctors recommend observing a few simple rules:

  1. Avoid supercooling.
  2. Do not contact patients.
  3. Walk more often outdoors.
  4. Take vitamin complexes to strengthen immunity.