Massage with bronchitis in children

Unfortunately, our children get sick more often than adults. In particular, the younger generation is subject to diseases related to the respiratory system. The fact is that the formation of this system in children occurs up to 12 years. Therefore often begun ORVI quite often ends in the child with a bronchitis . Imperfection of the respiratory system can be reflected in stagnation of sputum. Of course, in the treatment of bronchitis , medicinal preparations that promote better expectoration of sputum, and also relieve spasms and inflammation are mandatory. But there is one more tool that provides excellent help in the treatment - a massage for children with bronchitis.

Necessity of massage with bronchitis in children

This procedure facilitates the clearance of sputum in bronchitis. Even with obstructive bronchitis in children, massage greatly alleviates the condition. It works this way: when the massage increases blood circulation, which increases the muscle tension in the bronchial wall. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the movement of the epithelium of the bronchi, which causes the accumulated sputum to be removed more quickly. The process of intoxication of the body slows down, which means that recovery will occur sooner. The procedure can be performed for children of any age, even in the infancy of half-yearly age, a bronchitis is allowed. The only contraindications are fever, false croup and tracheal disease.

Types of massage with bronchitis

Generally, the following types of massage are distinguished with bronchitis:

With can massage, special jars are used to create a vacuum on the surface of the skin. As a result, blood circulation increases, and respiratory functions improve. When acupressure is necessary to influence certain points, which helps to normalize the work of the respiratory system. With prolonged bronchitis, honey massage is shown - a procedure that removes toxins from the body. These three types of massage because of its specificity should be conducted only by professionals. But the drainage, vibrating massage and chest can and should be done at home at home.

How to do a massage with bronchitis?

To conduct a massage in the room should be no more than 25 degrees of heat. To moisten the air, put a wet towel on the battery. Before a massage during the day, give your child a warm drink and expectorant. Massage is done one hour before bedtime and one hour before meals or 2 hours after.

Let's start with a drainage massage for bronchitis, because this is the simplest method of indirect bronchial warming up. When back massage with bronchitis the child should be placed on the stomach or pillow with the stomach so that the pelvis is above the head so that the sputum drains from the lower parts of the bronchi. First, for 1-2 minutes, warm up the back of the skin with rubbing movements.

Then, tapping with finger pads or an edge of the palm of the intercostal areas of the back is performed starting from the bottom.

After that, in the area of ​​the base of the diaphragm, it is necessary to perform stroking movements from below-upwards.

The procedure of drainage massage for bronchitis to the child should last 5-7 minutes.

Vibration massage with bronchitis lasts 2 minutes and is suitable even for the youngest patients. His technique is based on a neat rhythmic tapping of his fist on the back of a patient in the lungs, excluding the spine. The child should be put on his pillow.

The baby is allowed to be exposed to the impact of the fist by the knuckling of the fist for up to a year.

Massage of the chest with bronchitis begins with 5 strokes of the palms from below upwards to the shoulders.

After this, the pads of the fingers perform rubbing translational movements from the bottom upwards in the form of a spiral along the edges and in the sternum. Then the fingers should rub the sternum, moving from the middle sideways around the intercostal spaces.

The procedure should be completed by stroking the back and chest. Then the child should wear clothes from natural materials and put on his back.