Treatment of bronchitis in children

With the onset of cold weather, the frequency of colds in children is several times higher. This applies to the most common respiratory disease - bronchitis. It is known that in time untreated plague can lead to complications, including inflammation of the lungs. Therefore, responsible parents primarily worry about how to detect the disease and how to quickly cure bronchitis in a child.

Symptoms of bronchitis in children

Bronchitis is the inflammatory process of the bronchi, which is caused by the viral infections and bacteria. Most often it manifests itself as an ordinary cold. The runny nose starts, often the temperature rises. Appears dry cough. After a few days he relaxes, sputum goes away. It is her presence is one of the main signs of bronchitis in children.

In the absence of treatment, cough is worse. In the doctor's office, acute bronchitis will be diagnosed. If a cough accompanies breathing with a whistle, the doctor will report an obstructive form of the disease.

Untreated bronchitis, as a rule, has the property of reappearing. And then the acute form of the disease becomes chronic. Frequent bronchitis in children is dangerous because the bronchial mucosa is gradually thinner. This can lead to asthma or pneumonia.

Treatment of bronchitis in children at home

If a bronchitis is suspected, it shows signs and prescribes treatment only by a pediatrician or an ENT doctor. With bronchitis, hospitalization is not necessary - it is quite successfully cured at home. It is necessary to comply with bed rest. At the temperature prescribed antipyretic drugs. When bronchitis is recommended to drink abundantly, as the liquid helps to remove toxins from the body and dilute sputum.

If on the third or fourth day of the disease the cough remains dry and sputum dries heavily, mucolytics are prescribed (ACS, Lazolvan, Fluimucil, Ambrobene). To facilitate the withdrawal of sputum when wet cough, recommended expectorant preparations of plant origin - Alteika, Gedelix, Prospan.

An excellent analogue of taking drugs can be the use of a nebulizer - a device for inhalation of herbs and medicines directly into the bronchi. However, because of its value, it is not available to everyone.

In the absence of temperature, you can put a mustard plaster on the sternum.

The flow of bronchitis in the baby is complicated by the fact that the child can not deliberately cough up phlegm. Therefore, they perform a back massage, patting it with a palm. And then, holding his legs, they lower him for a few seconds upside down. However, at a temperature, wheezing, massage and warming compresses are prohibited.

If there is a danger that acute bronchitis in children will flow into pneumonia, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. In this case, preparations with bacteria that prevent dysbacteriosis in the digestive organs - Lineks, Bifidumbacterin, Lactofiltrum - are mandatory.

Usually, if all the prescriptions of the doctor are observed, bronchitis is cured within 1.5-2 weeks. If the heat persists for more than 3 days, dyspnea and symptoms of intoxication, the child's hospitalization is necessary.

Popular treatment of bronchitis in children

To accelerate the healing process of the child, you can use herbs and their infusions:
  1. So, for example, the decoction of the althea root can perfectly dilute sputum. 2 tablespoons of ground grass roots are poured 200 g of boiling water and heated in a water bath for half an hour. Persistent broth for half an hour is taken for ΒΌ cup 3 times a day.
  2. A good effect has a breastfeeding from the root of althaea, oregano and coltsfoot. Each component takes 2 tablespoons, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. 1/3 cup of infusion is given to the child in a warm form 4 times a day.

And finally I want to advise my parents. If your child often suffers from bronchitis, it is worthwhile after complete recovery to do the hardening of his body.