Body temperature 35 - what does this mean?

Everyone knows that the normal body temperature is 36.6 ° C. However, for many people the norm may be values ​​higher or lower than the generally accepted standard, which is explained by the individual characteristics of the organism. At the same time, they remain normal, there are no abnormalities in the functioning of the body.

If, when measuring body temperature, the value is close to 35 degrees, and this is not the norm for your body, it can signal some pathological conditions of the body. At this temperature people often feel lethargy, weakness, apathy, drowsiness. In this case, you should definitely find out what this means, why the body temperature drops to 35 degrees.

The causes of lowering body temperature to 35 degrees

If the body temperature dropped to 35 degrees Celsius, this can be a normal physiological phenomenon in such cases:

Also, lowering body temperature can be a side effect after taking certain medications.

The pathological causes of low body temperature in an adult are quite diverse. We list the main of them:

  1. Chronic infections in the body (low temperature may indicate an exacerbation of the process).
  2. Decreased thyroid function (hypothyroidism). In addition, slowness, drowsiness, dry skin, stool disorders, etc. may also be present.
  3. Decreased immune defenses of the body (which may be due to recent infectious diseases that deplete the body's functionality).
  4. Diseases of the adrenal glands, their reduced functioning (eg, Addison's disease). Symptoms such as muscle weakness, malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, weight loss, abdominal pain, etc. can be observed.
  5. Pathologies of the brain (more often a tumor). There are also symptoms such as memory, vision, sensitivity, motor functions, etc.
  6. Vegetosovascular dystonia .
  7. Strong intoxication of the body.
  8. Internal bleeding.
  9. Hypoglycemia (insufficient sugar in the blood).
  10. Syndrome of chronic fatigue, associated with a constant lack of sleep, overwork, stressful situations.