Pistachio - good and bad

Pistachios certainly deserve special attention among other nuts. Due to their useful properties, the tree on which they grow is known as the "tree of life". Pistachios really do not only have an excellent taste, they still have benefits for the human body.

Useful properties of pistachios

  1. Green nuts are extremely rich in pyridoxine (vitamin B6). This substance is necessary for our body to create blood cells, assimilation of glucose by nerve cells, regulation of protein and fat metabolism. Thus, a regular delicacy of pistachios will help normalize and stabilize the basic metabolic processes in the body, ensure the normal operation of the nervous and circulatory systems.
  2. What is contained in pistachios besides vitamin B , so it's macro and microelements: copper, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Without them, important biochemical reactions can not proceed fully. Therefore, in order to normalize the metabolism, it is necessary to add pistachios to your diet.
  3. Green nuts have high antioxidant activity - this is exactly what pistachios are useful for women. The nuclei carry phenolic compounds and a large amount of vitamin E. They neutralize free radicals, preventing them from destroying the membranes of our cells. Therefore, ladies who prefer to regularly pamper themselves with pistachios, keep their youth longer.
  4. Some people are interested in how useful pistachios are for men. The thing is that these nuts are considered a good aphrodisiac. Men who regularly consume pistachios will not have problems with potency for a long time, and their libido will remain at a high level.
  5. In addition, the nuclei of this nut carry polyunsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the level of "harmful cholesterol". Therefore, pistachios help in the fight against atherosclerosis.
  6. These nuts are one of the few containing carotenoids. In this regard, their use will help to maintain good vision, strengthen teeth and bones.
  7. Fiber - that's what is contained in pistachios in fairly large quantities. Coarse dietary fibers allow to normalize the microflora and promote the cleansing of the intestine. Therefore, if you love these nuts, then you definitely will not have problems with digestion.
  8. It is recommended to eat pistachios for those who are engaged in mental work, sportsmen, as well as people during recovery from various diseases, as they increase endurance and lead the body into tone.
  9. It is also believed that these nuts normalize the work of the liver, so those who have encountered hepatic colic are advised to include pistachios in their diet.

When do pistachios become harmful?

There are many reasons why you should add pistachios to your menu, their benefits are great, but they can also harm if they are used excessively. First, uncontrolled use These nuts can lead to nausea and headaches. Secondly, like any nuts, pistachios are very caloric - a hundred grams contains approximately 550 calories. Yet they are considered diet nuts, because compared to others, they have less calories, so it's better to lose weight to the pistachios. But still, abuse of them can cause serious harm to the figure. Nutritionists believe that a day enough to eat 10-15 nuts, so that the body got all the necessary substances, and the waist was preserved as elegant. In addition, these nuts can be added to various dishes: salads or desserts . Thus, the use of pistachios for the body is very high, but to get it, you should eat them in small amounts regularly.