Eggplant pâté

Eggplant pate is an excellent appetizer that will make your breakfast nutritious and very useful. It can be served with fresh baguette, black bread or French fries. Let's look at a few recipes for its preparation, and you choose for yourself more affordable.

Aubergine pâté with garlic



The oven is pre-ignited and heated up to about 200 ° C. Then, on a baking tray smeared with oil, we spread eggplants cut into strips, cut them into sections and insert cleaned cloves of garlic and twigs of thyme. Next, water the vegetables with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and bake about 1 hour in the oven, until cooked. After that, the eggplant is carefully taken out, cooled and chopped in a food processor to the state of mashed potatoes. Add fresh chopped greens, pour a little oil and a little lemon juice. Whisk everything with a blender until smooth, add it to taste, mix and spread the finished pate into a clean glass jar. We store this snack in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. We serve pate for breakfast with crackers, French fries or chips.

Eggplant pate with cheese



Aubergines washed, cut off the tail, we puncture in several places with a fork and spread it on a baking tray. Bake the vegetables in the oven under the grill for 25-30 minutes. After that, we cool them, carefully peel the skin, squeeze the juice lightly and cut into pieces. Now take the bowl of the blender, add the eggplant, cheese, peeled garlic and parsley. Grind everything in puree, seasoning it with spices. We mix the prepared pate thoroughly, shift it into enameled ware with a lid and store it in the refrigerator.

Eggplant pate with nuts



Eggplant washed, dried, cut into slices, wrapped in foil and baked in the oven until completely softened. Walnuts are ground in a mortar, and garlic is cleaned and finely chopped. Ready eggplants are transferred into the blender's container, pour out the nuts, garlic, spices and whisk until smooth.

Pate from the liver with eggplant



Eggplant washed, cut into small cubes and, without removing the peel from them, put in a uniform layer in the baking dish, smeared with oil. Bulb and Bulgarian pepper, cleaned, processed, shredded random slices and poured over eggplant. Liver is washed, cut into small pieces and also sent to the form. We podsalivaem, pepper mass to taste, pour a little oil and send it for about 15 minutes in a preheated oven. Then carefully take out the pan, gently mix the contents, check the readiness of the liver and put it in the oven for another 10 minutes. Then transfer the baked vegetables to the blender bowl, put a piece of butter and crush it to a homogeneous consistency. When the mass is completely cooled, transfer it into a plastic container with a lid and in a closed form we store liver pate with eggplants in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.