Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Most women during pregnancy, faced with hemorrhoids, are embarrassed to talk about their problem to the doctor. That is why this kind of disease is already found not at the initial stage, but only when there is a prolapse of hemorrhoids to the outside. Let's try to figure it out and find out: how can you get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and are you able to make this future mom yourself.

What causes hemorrhoids in women in the situation?

Most often in such situations, the development of the disorder is affected by several factors, which together lead to a pathological increase in the venous plexus, localized in the rectum.

If we talk about the specific causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, it is necessary to name the following:

Constant constipation, which becomes chronic. In this case, stretching of the rectum walls is observed, which leads, in turn, to the stress of the part of the large intestine during defecation, which, when the child is born, normally has a lowered tone.

Reduction of motor activity during gestation also leads to the development of hemorrhoids. Hypodinamia, as a rule, is one of the main causes of the development of stagnant phenomena in the small pelvis, because of which the disease subsequently develops.

Violation of the normal circulation of blood in the lower half of the body also contributes to the formation of hemorrhoids. This is due to the increase in the size of the fetus, as a result of which the uterus squeezes nearby organs and tissues. Pregnant, especially on long terms, in view of this factor quite often face such a phenomenon as swelling of the legs, which is also the result of stagnation.

Changes in the nature of the diet. As you know, with the onset of pregnancy, many women have different kinds of taste preferences: you want something salty, then smoked, then spicy. This type of food helps increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, to strengthen the digestive process.

How to deal with hemorrhoids and whether it is possible to treat it during pregnancy?

To begin with, it is necessary to say that the features of the therapeutic process of such a violation directly depend on the stage of the disease and its manifestations.

So, at the first stage of hemorrhoids, when practically no symptoms of violation are noted, and the woman learns about the disease only after examination by a doctor, doctors recommend first of all to adjust the diet. It should contain more coarse plant fiber (fruits, vegetables, cereals, prunes, cereals). From excess of fats and food, rich in protein, it is necessary to abstain. These kinds of diets doctors advise to adhere to all women during pregnancy for the prevention of hemorrhoids.

At stages 2 and 3, medical treatment is already required. As a rule, in such patients the nodes become painful on palpation, they often come out of the anus during the bowel movement, and then self-correct.

The therapeutic process is often symptomatic, i.e. its purpose is to alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman. To do this, all kinds of ointments and suppositories ( Relief, Neo-Anusolum, Posterizan) are prescribed, the frequency and duration of administration of which is indicated by the doctor.

Often, to cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy, a woman succeeds in anything other than folk recipes. The most common of these is raw potatoes, which are cleaned, candles made and inserted into the rectum at night.

Also, the juice of the mountain ash helps to cope with the manifestations of hemorrhoids: squeeze out fresh berries from the peduncles, and take 3 times a day for 100 ml.

For the purpose of removing inflammatory phenomena, baths are made from decoction of oak bark, flax seeds, chamomile. These components are mixed in the same proportion, brewed with boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Daily for 2-3 weeks spend hygienic procedures using such decoction.

It is worth recalling that the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy by folk remedies should also be agreed with the doctor.