Stroke - treatment

Treatment of the stroke itself is effective only for 3 (maximum 6) hours from the time of the attack. This gap is called the therapeutic window, during which there is a chance to avoid irreversible changes in the brain. Further treatment is reduced to preventive and maintenance therapy, as well as to the elimination of the consequences of stroke.

A patient with a stroke should be immediately taken to a hospital equipped with a scanner, since only with the help of this survey can accurately determine the type of stroke and develop effective treatment.

In the case of hemorrhagic stroke, surgical intervention is often used to remove hematoma and reduce intracranial pressure.

Drug treatment of the consequences of a stroke

In the case of micro-strokes without obvious complications, the main treatment is reduced to taking medications that strengthen the blood vessels, dilute the blood and normalize the pressure, depending on the cause. Also prescribed nootropic drugs, which increase the stress resistance of the body and improve brain function.

Extensive strokes, in addition to taking the same drugs, require rehabilitation therapy, which allows to minimize dangerous consequences.

Frequently used drugs:

Rehabilitation treatment

After a stroke, it is recommended to start therapy immediately, as soon as the patient's condition stabilizes and the crisis passes. In the first place - this is therapeutic gymnastics, especially in patients with impaired motor functions, spastic muscles. In case of damage to the speech center, lessons with a speech therapist are shown, the patient must constantly hear someone else's speech, television, radio, if possible read. In the future, sanatorium-and-spa treatment in specialized sanatoriums can be effective, where they can provide a complex of restorative and supportive procedures: physiotherapy, massage, therapeutic and mud baths.

Treatment of the consequences of stroke by folk remedies

  1. Mix the Japanese sophora and mistletoe white in a 1: 1 ratio. 100 g of mixture pour half a liter of vodka and insist a month in a dark place. Take tincture of two teaspoons twice a day, for 20 days, then make a two-week break and repeat the course.
  2. Dissolve 5 g of mummy in 3/4 glasses of aloe juice. Drink the solution in a teaspoon 2 times a day, on an empty stomach, or at least 2 hours after eating, for two weeks. Then two weeks take a tincture of propolis, 25 drops 3 times a day, then again the mummy solution in aloe. The course of treatment should last at least 2 months.
  3. When paralysis of the tongue is recommended to rinse your mouth with a watercress broth and chew the leaves of sage.
  4. When limb paralysis can use compresses of alcohol tincture of white acacia flowers (dried flowers pour vodka in a ratio of 1: 2 and insist 15 days) or rub the body with a tincture of a mixture of acacia flowers, onion juice and honey.
  5. Herbal collection of St. John's wort, birch buds, chamomile and cumin. Mix 100 g of each herb, brew 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 40 minutes. Drink twice a day, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals and at bedtime. Treatment continue until the finished mixture is over, and repeat every six months.

Treatment with herbs should be combined with medications and traditional remedies, and in no case should you stop taking medication prescribed by doctors and do not ignore medical prescriptions.