14-year-old daughter Cindy Crawford became the face of the Chrome Heart

Recently, the media wrote that Cindy Crawford, sadly, intends to complete a professional career. As it turned out now, the supermodel leaves a worthy replacement instead - his 14-year-old daughter Kayu Gerber.

First steps

A young talent with an angelic face became the face of Chrome Heart, starring in his first serious advertisement. The network offers images from the photo shoot of Kaya.

A year ago, the girl signed a contract with IMG Models and appeared in Vogue. Now, Gerber began to win its not the least place in the fashion industry.

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Mom's genes

Looking at the photos made by Laurie Lynn Stark, it seems that they depict a young Cindy. Mother and daughter really have many similarities and long legs, they can be taken for sisters.

In addition to the external data, the girl-teenager, obviously, was passed the talent of the star parent. Gerber is absolutely relaxed and harmonious in the frame, and this can not be taught, experts say.

Kaya, dressed in stylish clothes, complemented by accessories, represented the spring collection of the Chrome Heart with dignity.