How to grow a radish in the country?

Radish refers to one of the earliest vegetables. Many people want to quickly get a dose of fresh spring vitamins, and therefore it is interesting to learn how to grow a radish in the country?

How to grow a radish in the open ground?

The optimal time for planting radishes in the open ground begins in the first days of May and ends with the last days of June. It is also possible to sow the plant at the end of August. For sowing, prepare beds from last season, on which grew cabbage, potatoes or cucumbers. Radis prefers loamy soils. The place for planting is chosen well-lit, because with a lack of light, the plant will be stretched, and the fruits will be small. The sowing is carried out at the rate of 10 g of seeds per 1 sq.m. The depth of sowing is 1-2 cm. After emergence of sprouts, they must be thinned, leaving a distance of 5 cm between them.

When growing, you should exercise abundant watering (once every 2-3 days, and in hot weather every day) and conduct regular weeding. Radish will ripen in 20-30 days.

Observance of the necessary recommendations will help you understand how to grow a good radish.

How to grow an early radish?

Lovers of early harvests are advised to plant radish in early spring, early March, when the main snow comes down. The prepared bed is cleaned of excess snow cover. The remaining thin layer of snow is sprinkled with mineral fertilizers (azofa or nitropho) that will dissolve and retract into the ground.

Fertilizer beds are covered with a black film in order to accelerate the heating of the soil. The film is removed after 10 days, and the ground is dug. Then you can sow the seeds in the grooves, which before this are spilled with water. A small layer of snow is poured on top of the crops. Over the beds set a shelter from a film stretched over metal arcs.

The first shoots appear after 10-15 days. If the spring is warm, then the film is lifted for ventilation. Crops thin out, regularly watered. By the end of April, you can harvest.

Knowing how to properly grow a radish, you can get a harvest of this useful plant.