Browelia - growing from seeds

An annual plant of boviola, named after the Bishop of Brovall from Sweden, is a representative of the Paslenov family. Its homeland is South and Central America. Some varieties of bromeliad in height can reach one meter, and for fans of garden forms low-growing varieties (up to 35 centimeters) are taken out. Inflorescences of this plant are formed in the axils of the leaves, which in length reach five centimeters. The color of the leaves depends on the variety of brogal. Flowers are like small asterisks, which can be painted in all shades of white, blue, violet, blue. The planting of the broiler is carried out to decorate flower beds and gardens, and low-growing varieties are grown in pots.

The most common species in our latitudes are American (pubescent), beautiful, sticky and large-flowered. They differ in color, form of flowers and leaves.

Rules of landing

Reproduction of broth is possible both by cuttings during the year, and by sowing seeds. Growing bromeliad from seeds can be carried out at any time of the year, except for autumn. When and how to grow a bromide from seeds? It depends on where the culture will grow. If in the garden, then seeds need to be planted at the end of February. To grow in a pot at home, you should plant the seeds in August. In the room, a beautiful bromeliad blooms all year round, while the sticky and large-flowered flowers bloom in November-January. Since this plant is annual, it is thrown out after flowering and wilting.

Seeding of the broth with seeds is carried out in shallow plates filled with a nutritious light substrate. The planting material is shallow, so it is not necessary to cover it with soil. It is enough to water the seeds with water using a spray gun, and then cover the container with clear glass. Place the container on the south side. Every day, the substrate emits moisture, which in the form of condensation settles on the glass. It must be removed and the bowl should be ventilated periodically. After 12-15 days at a temperature of about 20-25 degrees of heat, the first seedlings will germinate.

Planting bralju in an open ground it is possible only when there is a confidence, that spring frosts any more will not be. Dig a hole 5 to 10 centimeters deep in a well-lit garden area, and carefully transfer the seedling there with the coma of your native land. Sprinkle the roots with earth, lightly pound and pour abundantly.

If you want to plant bralio immediately in the open ground, then treat the seeds. To do this, soak the planting stock for two days in warm water, and then soak with a tissue napkin. When to plant the broom with seeds? The best time is the end of April - the beginning of May. The seeds planted during this period will germinate in two to three weeks, and the plants will be blossoming until autumn frosts.

Care for braliai

This annual is a unpretentious plant. After planting, caring for bralia is reduced to regular watering and removal of discolored flowers, dry leaves. When the flowering period begins, the bromeliad should be fertilized with special fertilizing for flowering plants every two weeks.

If the plant is stretched to the height, it should be plucked. In rare cases, this annual is attacked by a spider mite or whitefly . The infected flower must be isolated and treated with fungicides. But remember, the broiler - the plant is poisonous, so all work with it must be done with gloves!

If you follow these simple rules of caring for braliai, she will thank as a luxurious long bloom.