How to water cucumbers after planting?

Cultivation of cucumbers - the occupation is not difficult, although it requires the presence of certain knowledge. If you comply with all the rules and requirements, you will get an excellent result and will be able to brag of a rich harvest. Many in this connection are interested in how to water cucumbers immediately after planting and throughout the period of their growth and development. We'll talk about this in our article.

How to water the cucumber after planting with seeds?

If you grow cucumbers in a straightforward manner, planting seeds immediately in the open ground, you need to properly prepare beds. It is desirable that they are located towards the south, so the sun's rays will touch their surface perpendicularly. The temperature of the soil on the bed will be higher and the yield will increase by one third.

Also, preparation concerns the qualitative fertilization of the land before planting. It is important that it is not too acidic . After applying mineral fertilizers and ash, the ground is mixed and leveled, and then thoroughly moistened.

It's time to plant seeds, and then a natural question arises - do you need to water the cucumbers after planting? Since you have moistened the soil in advance, you do not need to water the seeds in addition. This is explained by the fact that water will displace oxygen, which is simply necessary for pruning seeds. In addition, watering leads to the formation of a crust on the surface, which delays sprouting.

And yet watering is mandatory, because cucumbers love moisture. So how to water cucumbers after landing in the ground? We keep track of when the first shoots appear, and now we are watering as the soil dries out - it should always be a little damp. Water should be poured with warm water at the rate of 2 liters per square meter. When cucumbers begin to actively increase the green mass, the amount of oxen is increased to 6 liters.

How to water cucumbers in the greenhouse after planting?

If you grow cucumbers not outdoors, but in a greenhouse, watering when planting will be slightly different. First of all, not the seeds, but the seedlings of cucumbers, are planted more often in the greenhouse. This significantly saves time before the first harvest.

Excessive waterlogging of the soil in the greenhouse does not lead to anything good. The landing is made in a slightly damp ground. And the subsequent watering should be moderate. Watering is best from a watering can or a hose with a sprinkler.

The amount of water for irrigation is about 5 liters per square meter. The water should be warm, and water better in the evening.